View Full Version : Anxious Bout Driving Just Passed

23-05-07, 11:34

I passed my driving test yesterday. Im 35 and for years iv been having few lessons here and there and then giving up for one reason and another.

I waited so long for this and u think i would be over the moon but im not.

I went out on my own in the car yesterday for the first time. I didnt want to but brother said get your nerves out of way and go.

I hated it, i felt anxious and panicky. I was to drive just down to local shop to get something but it was so busy and couldnt find anywhere easy for me to park.

I ended up driving to big supermarket coz it was easier to park lol

When it was time to drive back i sat in car and just wanted to cry. I felt so scared, felt like i was gonna do something silly on way back and all the other drivers would get angry with me.

Please tell me it will get better.

Iv been doing really well with my anxiety lately but feel this is going to set me back.

love mandie x

23-05-07, 11:54
It will get better. You just have to take it one day at a time.:hugs:

I'm going through the same fear myself and I've been driving for years.

23-05-07, 12:24
Ohh WELL DONE Mandie on passing your driving test !!!:) :) :yesyes: :yesyes:

I think even people who dont suffer with anxiety would still be anxiuos when they drive on their own just after passing their test.

You did well driving to the shops yesterday, you must congratulate yourself for that:) just keep doing it over and over again and im sure your confidence will improve.:yesyes:


23-05-07, 13:13
Well done Mandie:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
Im so pleased for you.Im 40 and have had my little mini metro sat out side my house for years and I cant drive it.I started to have lessons with my partner,and he said I was really good.Driving out on the roads.Then I had this anxiety,depression and PA's and I lost all confidence.I would love to be able to drive.
You will get over this pet,its all new and scarey.1 step at a time.Hey,you got to the supermarket that is brilliant.Im so proud of you.:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Forget what the other drivers think,you did great.

23-05-07, 20:42
Have you thought about getting one of those green 'P' badges to put on your bumper so hopefully other drivers will be patient with you?

23-05-07, 21:23
Well done, I passed my driving test only 2 weeks ago so I know how you feel, I have driven on my own 4 times now and still alittle panicky but nothing like my first couple of times. My advice is get in and do it your be fine and remember the more you do it the easier it will get.

Well done again.

Di xx

23-05-07, 21:32
Hello Mandie,

Well Done !! :yesyes:

I think most people feel exactly the same as you do when they first pass their test - I know I did!

It took me four attempts and the first time I drove on my own I actually felt as though I wasn't capable of driving without somebody with me!

I think I even bumped into the kerb at one point and pulled over in floods of tears because i thought I was going to cause an accident - that was 26 yrs ago and I haven't caused, or had, one yet!!

You'll be fine - just keep on driving and each time you do it will get a lot easier as you grow in confidence.

All the best to you



funky chick
23-05-07, 21:45
well done Mandie on passing your test try keep going and it will get better only natural feel anx when first pass but you did get to the supermarket so well done so proud of you, keep going and it will get easier for you im sure of that lots of love Gail xxxx:hugs: :hugs:

23-05-07, 22:00
Congratulations on passing

Ask yourself why you wanted to learn to drive and then pass?

Can you not ask your instructor to now take you out on some confidence lessons - they do this for new passers.

Build up your confidence by going out every day - at quiet times.

Practice parking and motorways etc and you will get there.

24-05-07, 02:00
Thank you all so much for your replies, they mean alot to me.

Gonna go out tommorow on my own again just around by my house until my confidence goes up

love mandie xxxxx

24-05-07, 06:09
:hugs: There ya go! Pick a nice quiet time of day and just do short trips. Try singing along to upbeat music. It really helps me when I get anxious behind the wheel.

24-05-07, 10:38
Thank you Gleamchaser. I managed to take my daughter to school this morning and it wasnt as bad as i thought.

Didnt make it to work by car though, took the bus lol

mandie x