View Full Version : Is "nap" The Answer ?

23-05-07, 12:03
I remember when my son was small and I used to get shakey in the morning when out shopping (never knew it was anxiety) used to think i was low on sugar so Id go home and have a biscuit and then a nap, then Id feel 100% for the rest of the day and could go anywhere and do anything.

Looking back at those days Its made me realise that I dont sleep no where as much as I used to, I used to get a good 8 - 9 hours a night and a 1 hour daytime nap and felt great !
Now days Id feel guilty having a nap but I dont know why ? this anxiety makes me so tired all the time and I get on average 5- 6 hours sleep.
Does anyone else find a daytime nap helps ?

23-05-07, 12:59
Ever since I hit the menopause 5yrs ago and my sleep routine got all messed up I've had a nap in the afternoon. I do find it helps me, even though I don't nap for long.

There was an article in yesterday's Daily Mail saying how good afternoon naps are for you and that ideally you should try to nap for up to 90mins between 1pm and 3pm.

23-05-07, 14:43
wow thats interesting , wonder if its online to read ?

23-05-07, 14:50
wow thats interesting , wonder if its online to read ?

Sure is :D


23-05-07, 16:34
I found afternoon naps a great help, but sadly I never get the time, and I am moaned at if I do.

I had real bad anxiety on the road one day, came home, fell asleep around 2 pm for an hour, and woke feeling really well so maybe there is something in it.


23-05-07, 19:50
makes interesting reading thanks !

Yep I always feel tierd so probally could do with some extra sleep.