View Full Version : weather?

23-05-07, 13:26
hi, does anyone elses symptoms appear to be worse on warm sunny days, today for instance i am feeling lightheaded and finding everything too bright. i also feel jittery, i have recently noticed this seems to be worse when the weather is bright it seems to exagerate my usual symptoms and they are bad enough on a normal day. I also have a headache and generally feel unwell, but not sure if it is the weather or just me. helen:shades:

23-05-07, 14:02
I love bright sunny days it's only the heat of the summer that can make me feel not too great. Is this what you mean hun??:shades:

Piglet :flowers:

23-05-07, 14:32
Make sure you drink plenty of water so ur not dehydrated. even if u dont feel thirsty u can be dehydrated. Have you tried a good pair of sunglasses? These will help if you are finding the light too bright.
Also ware cool lose clothing so as not to over heat. I find i get stressed far more easily when i am hot. Ice lollies are always good.
Do u have a garden? You might find it will help if on a nice day you sit out in the shade and try and relax so you get more use to being out in the sun.
Take care

23-05-07, 14:49
i love the sun... well i like it being bright but i hate the heat...

my fella would love to get a place somewhere hot but i hate the idea...

it definatly makes my anxiety worse... ive had sun stroke before and it was scary and i know it sounds really starang but the heat actually makes me feel claustraphobic... strange ay???

i'm going to the 'big chill' festival (a very appropriate festival for little ol me with my panic disorder :) ) on aug 3rd - 5th and im really hoping it doesnt get any hotter than 'warm with a mild breeze'... its the only aspect of going thats making really anxious cos i know i can get away from the other things that can make me anxious, the heat though, i know there's no escape from....

my panic attacks started over night to and it was when i was on holiday in majorca... maybe there's some kinda sub concsious thing going on with that too... i dunno....

anyway, enough rambling... sorry... my point is - you're not alone on this one

23-05-07, 14:54
Adding to that, you could dab a bit of cool water on your face even, as I find that can take the heat away a little on your face and can be quite refreshing.:shades:

But your not on your own, definitly. For me sometimes, when it's hot I get a little sweaty and a bit dizzy, and depending how bad I feel these symtoms I can either be panicky about it, anxious about it, or not be anxious about it at all understanding that it's only because of the heat.

23-05-07, 16:48
Hi me too - I love the sunshine and bright blue sky like today but when its MUGGY and HUMID and HOT I feel faint, dizzy, breathless and trapped - I usually run cold water on my hands and trickle it down my neck at work and undo tight clothing as well and Ive just bought a desk fan which they all think is funny at work but I dont care coz it makes me feel more comfortable"!! Wenjoy x

23-05-07, 17:10
Give me the dark, rain, howling winds and storms anyday.


Count Jacula ;)