View Full Version : Hi everyone!

23-05-07, 15:17
Hi everyone! I'm new here and I'm so glad I found a site that shows I'm not completely mad!!! I'm Anne-Marie, 30 (or 20 10 as I like to call it!) and I'm a mum of four kiddies age 13,9,3 and 2. Hands full there then!!! I've had panic attacks since I lost my dad when I was 8. They became more frequent once I hit teenage years and 5 years ago after I had a miscarriage they became so regular that I didn't feel able to go out of the house. After my GP offered fantastic advice such as 'pull yourself together' and 'get a job' she finally referred me to someone who diagnosed panic disorder with secondary agoraphobia. I've had various therapies which helped to some extent but haven't taken medication. The thought of taking them makes me feel panicky!! lol!!! Day to day I just try to keep myself busy, the kids of course help with that, and taking each day as it comes is the only way to deal with this stuff and one day I hope to beat this thing. Grrrr!!! Well now I've told you my life story I'll be off to have a proper look round the site. Nice to see so many lovely people here and I hope I will get to talk to you all soon!

Anne-Marie xxx:)

23-05-07, 15:25
Hello there crazygirl (Cool username by the way) and welcome to this delightful forum. Joining this site, you have copme to the right place. We are an extremely kind and friendly bunch of people who will help offer you lots of help and support, and will give very knowlgeble information on Panic and Anxiety.:D

Four kids is a good number and your doing well despite your problems to be able to look after them. I wish you all the luck as you browse through this site and hope your agoraphobia will go soon, especially with this brilliant site that should happen.

Take care and good luck!:hugs:

23-05-07, 15:27

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

23-05-07, 15:35
Hiya Zanxiety! Thank you for your reply,very quick too!! How long have you used this site? I'm trying to get used to it, in fact I am amazed that I managed to get your reply!! Once I've logged out I'm not sure how to find my replies when I log back in. Do you know?!? Well thanks again for your supportive words, hopefully I will catch up with you really soon,

Anne-Marie xxx

23-05-07, 15:38
Hi Trac! Thanks for your reply, this seems like a very friendly place, it's nice to 'meet' people who actually understand!

Hope to catch up with you soon


23-05-07, 15:52
Hiya Zanxiety! Thank you for your reply,very quick too!! How long have you used this site? I'm trying to get used to it, in fact I am amazed that I managed to get your reply!! Once I've logged out I'm not sure how to find my replies when I log back in. Do you know?!? Well thanks again for your supportive words, hopefully I will catch up with you really soon,

Anne-Marie xxx

No problem at all.:shades:

I've been using the site for only 2 months believe it or not, although that is because I use the other forum aswell. A site like this is quite easy to get used to once you've mastered the controls of the forum.

To find your replies, what you need to do is go to the forum homepage by clicking forum on the left handside unless you're already on that page, then scroll down until you see online users on the left handside of the forum index. When you see your name, click on it and it will come up with your profile. Click on the posts made by you on the top left hand corner to view them. You'll notice that the posts are viewed slightly differently with one underneath another of every single post you have made. To view the post so it displays it in the normal way click on the topic title above that post, to take you to that topic, and scroll down until you see your post

Or alternatively go to the last thread you've just made, click on that thread and see all the posts you made in it, or just click on your own name in any relevant post of yours in that thread, then click on it and go to view public profile. Then click on posts made by you to view them. (This useful if you're not logged in).

If you need anymore help, then feel free to PM me.:flowers:

23-05-07, 15:57
Hi Anne Marie

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here:) , im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way:)


23-05-07, 16:02
Hello Anne-Marie, :welcome: to you!

Pleased to meet you! Glad you found us!


23-05-07, 19:09
Hi Anne-Marie and welcome :)

What is "secondary agoraphobia"?
I've got agoraphobia and just wondered what it meant.
Hope you don't mind me asking...


23-05-07, 19:49
hi and big warm welcome

love sandy xx

23-05-07, 20:42
Hi to everyone who's replied, it's lovely to see you all. Hi Bluebell!! Of course I don't mind you asking questions, it's cool. All the term 'secondary agoraphobia' means is that I had the panic disorder first and the agoraphobia came after as a result of the panic disorder. Whichever way, I'm sure you'll agree it's a major pain in the ........neck!!! I can't wait to be 'normal' either!!! lol!!!

Hopefully will speak to you soon

Anne-Marie xxx

23-05-07, 20:48
hi Anne-Marie and welcome to our site. It is full of really good info and very friendly people. Hope to talk to you in chat room soon.

Take care,

Lindy xxxxx

23-05-07, 21:03
Ahhh - i see. I suppose in that case, i too have suffer with secondary ag.
Mine developed as a result of passing out whilst 5 months pregnant. I was panicking whenever i went out...then bam....easier NOT to go anywhere! Sadly that was nine years ago :(

As for normal....what the hell is that like?? I've totally forgotten.


23-05-07, 21:12
Hi Anne-Marie

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Hope we can be of some help.

24-05-07, 12:14
Hi again Bluebell, It's understandable how your agoraphobia came about. You must have been terrified. My agoraphobia really started when I was pregnant and was scared that something was going to happen to the baby. I felt the safest place was home and so panicked every time I went out. Unfortunately I started bleeding whilst at home alone and as I had already taken my son to nursery, I knew that I would still have to go and pick him up whether I was bleeding or not. I was petrified. I went on to lose the baby 2 days later from which I could not seem to recover, mentally anyway. I just couldn't go back to doing all the normal things. Outside was the enemy! Of course my rational mind knows that outside is not the problem, my way of thinking is! It's just so hard to switch off that association once it's happened isn't it. I haven't been out on my own since then which was five years ago, but I do try to go out every day accompanied. Most days though, outside just looks alien. I feel completely crazy saying all this stuff and I really hope you dont think I am!!! Anyway, I went on to have 2 more children, I had my daughter at home and as there were a few complications there, I had to have my son in hospital. I was only in there for four hours in total!! My midwife was great and knew that's how it had to be. Well I hope I haven't bored you with all this as I know I've rambled a bit!!! Hope I haven't been to graffic either.

Speak to you soon I hope

Anne-Marie xxx

24-05-07, 15:16
Hi Anne Marie,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
26-05-07, 01:18
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

27-05-07, 04:30
Hi Anne-Marie,

A friendly welcome to the site. You have found the right place for help and many will understand what you have been through.

Laura :)