View Full Version : So Angry!!!!

23-05-07, 16:06
Why do people do it!!!!!!!Leave dogs in cars.
My dad was at work today and he could here screaming from the house opposite.He went over with a member of staff from the care home where he works.There was a woman screaming and shouting "Iv killed my dogs"My dad looked in the back of her car and there he saw two dead spaniels.
She had taken them for a run in the morning and then decided to go and visit her father or grandfather in hospital leaving the dogs in the car for a total of four hours.
She then drove from the hospital home which is about 15-20 min drive,and didnt realise the dogs were dead until she went to let them out of the car at home.
My poor dad and the other woman was in a terrible state,both being animal lovers.Dad had to move the dogs to a shaded area,and he felt so angry that this could have been avoided.They suffered so badly.
Once back at work,the woman who was with my dad called the RSPCA.They arrived but we are not sure what has happened yet.
Hopefully she will be prosecuted for causing the suffering they went through.
Today I feel so sick and agitated,Im really angry and anxious.I didnt need this on top of everything else.
Why dont people think!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: its just common sense!!!!!
I cant get this out of my mind now:lac:
Sorry everyone but I feel so strongly about these sort of things,and it makes my anxiety levels high.:sad:

23-05-07, 16:19
omg, thats horriable. Makes me feel quite ill. Those poor dogs.
Everyone knows you dont leave dogs in a hot car and yet so many people do. It makes me angry too.
Hope your dads ok

23-05-07, 16:44
Oh how terribly terribly sad!!:weep:

Love Piglet

23-05-07, 19:55
I wont leave our dog in the car in this heat, only if we will be 5 mins and leave all the windown open and park in the shade.
I remember reading that a lady did this to her grandson ! she forgot she had him and left him for 2 hours, its terrible but Im sure they didnt mean to do it,
its like they are in a little world of their own .....I forget things alot although nothing this serious.

23-05-07, 20:34
Ellen, that's absolutely terrible. People like that shouldn't be able to keep animals and I hope the RSPCA can do something about it. What a terrible shock for your poor dad.

23-05-07, 20:46
Hi Ellen:hugs:

I hope she gets hung drawn and quartered!!!!:mad:

People who abuse animals make my blood boil:mad:

You take care of yourself and give buddy and ollie big hugs:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

23-05-07, 20:54

I just can't understand how some people can be either so incredibly cruel or so incredibly ignorant to allow this situation to occur nowadays.

It's not for the lack of information that is available and displayed in public places.

I really hope that justice is done here, and can understand why you're so upset.

:hugs::hugs::hugs:for you and your poor dad.


23-05-07, 21:32
That is absolutly diabolical. It is so upsetting to think what those poor dogs went through. So upsetting. How can you just forget that you have two dogs in the back of the car, especially when you have put them there and taken them out for a run!! It is unacceptable and terribly cruel. My dogs would have been panting and charging about the back and play fighting and stuff, you would definatly know that they were there! I am devastated and i am sure that you dad is too. What a horrible thing to have to find. I send you both hugs am sure that the RSPCA will deal with this matter appropriatly. And we mustn't forget the woman that did this will never forget what she has done, she will have to live with this for the rest of her life, not nice! She must have cared as she cared enough to take them out. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

23-05-07, 22:03

How upsetting to hear this !

I hope the owners feel really really bad and the RSPCA prosecute. There is no excuse for it - you wouldn't leave your kids in the car would you??

23-05-07, 22:50
Thanks everyone.Dad looked terrible when he came in.He is having trouble going off to sleep,as all he can see is these two dogs.he loves animals,if he see's a dead fox in the road it upsets him for the day.This sort of thing could have been avoided.:mad: :mad: :mad:

23-05-07, 23:22
Awwww Ellen

Give your Dad my love too:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x :hugs:

25-05-07, 19:28
This is so so sad because with one teenie weenie bit of common sense she could have avoided this awful tragedy.

Please try to not let this get you down (though you must be utterly raging). The RSPCA will hopefully deal with her stupidity.

Honestly some people shouldn't be allowed to keep a wasp for a pet.