View Full Version : help chests sore

23-05-07, 17:10
Sorry i know i am a pest lol :D but basically had a bad bout of diarea for 2 weeks not sure if it was a bug or ibs but of course me being me had got myself so worked up over all this thinking it was bowel or stomach cancer i know have severe sharp chest pains since the last 4 days it is radiating round my back and under ribs to all over :weep:

While sitting up in bed last night watching tv it seemed to go away and i relaxed a bit then when i lied down it was back ,i plucked up the courage and phoned my gp told him my symptoms and he didint seem to worried has told me to try and relax and if i can to come and see him in a couple of weeks ,how i am going to is giving me major panic just thinking about it as i have severe agoraphobia plus petrified he is going to tell me i have something serious cos i went to the dreadedd google and it says all sorts of horrible heart problems if painful when lying down ,its painfull sitting up too:ohmy:

i had 2 ecgs and a heart monitor 2 years ago and everything came bk normal but i am still here worrying myself into an early grave :wacko:
tried going round the block earlier today with my husband was hyperventalating due to my llightheadeness etc so chests still sore
does anyone think this is my muscles all being constricted due to tension everyones telling me if doctor wasent to concerned i should stop worrying but i cant ,sorry for sounding as though i am losing it im just so so so petrified :weep:

23-05-07, 20:13
I completely sympathise. In my mind I can never have anything minor - whatever I have must be serious. However things never turn out as bad as we fear. This could be general muscle tension from 2 weeks of overactive bowels. It could be anything. If your GP was not concerned then you should take some comfort from this. If it rang any alarm bells, he'd be telling you to come in straight away.

However, 2 weeks is a long time when you are worrying about symptoms. And even worse when you are worrying about getting there. Why not give yourself til Friday, assess how you are feeling and if you are feeling worse then ring your GP again. If you are the same or slightly better, then give it another couple of days and see how you feel after the weekend.

It could very well be muscle tension - that's probably the most likely cause. You could try taking magnesium supplements as these are very good for helping to relax the muscles. And maybe your husband could give you a massage to help relax you a bit?

I hope you are feeling better very soon.

24-05-07, 10:48
Aww poor you, it does sound like muscle tension because thats the symptoms i get and my doctor told me it was because i was so anxious.

Hope u feel better

love mandie x

25-05-07, 12:47
Thank you both so much for your replies ,it has eased off a wee bit now not sure if my early period had anything to do with it as they always seem to make my anxiety 1000 times worse :huh:
now just worrying i have bowel or stomach cancer omg i keep reading and re reading nicolas story over and over again where she states she had diarea for months on end trying to convince myself i might not be dying :weep:

if its not one thing i have its another is there any hope for me or is this all part and parcel of health anxiety ?
oh i will stop typing now before i get anothrer symptom lol :D
thanks again
love dizzie

26-05-07, 06:08
Hi Dizzie,
My dr told me that you only get cardiac symptoms during exertion and that any pains when relaxed are muscle tension.
He also said that if you think you've got problems just look in the mirror.
If you don't have a grey pallor you're OK.
Hope this helps
Phill :shades:

27-05-07, 16:02
Dear phil
A huge huge thanks you have put my mind at rest :hugs:

now i will be worrying about my next illness lol :D i swear this worrying all
about my differant symptoms etc is going to sent me insane well insaner than i am already lol :)
thanks again for your reassurance
love dizziex:winks:

27-05-07, 21:16
hi dizzie...seriously this is nothing to worry about..i suffer from chest pains especially after a bad bout of diorreah and i get light headedness especially when i walk or stand up. i also find it difficult to breathe sometimes. i suffer from ibs and i know that its because of my digestive discomfort. i get chest pains exactly where my heart is..and i thought it was my heart, its just acid refluxing up..as for the pain in ur ribs..i usually get it in my back..this is reffered pain,once again becos of acid reflux..are you on any medication at all for acid? i take lansoprozole which does help most of the time..anyway i hope u get well soon xXx

28-05-07, 09:18
hi, I know this is probably something that you lot already know about ibs, but correct breathing is essential, I have ibs and take meds daily to keep it under control also i have to watch what I eat as certian foods can be key triggers,
when the pain is really bad try some gentle stretching excersises and a warm bath, paracetamol are good some other over the counter painkillers can trigger the spasms so be careful.
good luck

28-05-07, 15:57
Dear dizzy and michelle
Thank you so much for replying to me ,i know a huge part of this is my incorrect breathing due to my severe lightheadness,i am at the moment withdrawing from diazapams on the advice of my gp as they are no longer working well to be honest they only seemed to work the first 2 weeks and stupidly i was on a dosage of 20mg per day for six years ,i am now down to six mg a day but due to my severe agoraphobia have been unable to get to my gps in over 3 years even though he promised to telephone me every 2 weks to support me needless to say he only called me once last time being last november:weep: i did try calling him when all this was going on and he spared me less than 2 mins of his time so i am alone with no medical help oh well maybe if i win the lottery i can book myself into the priory lol :yesyes:

oh well off to bed again as i swear all this anxiety is going to kill me off had it ten years you would think i would be used to all this debilitating symptoms by now but im not :wacko:
long story short my third much wanted and loved childs undergone over 20 operations he is severlly handicapped, then four years ago my much loved father was told he was having a panic attack he never panicked in his life he died off a heart attack ,i stayed with him at the hospital for as long as i could but have the guilt i had to leave him with my mother due to my stupid agoraphobia and panic so i wasent there at the end ,i also have the guilt that my poor husband has to do all the caring shopping etc ,sorry i am rambling on here i could go on and on but will close now ,thank you all again for your wonderful support:flowers:
love dizzie x