View Full Version : sorry - need advice yet again

23-05-07, 19:48
Hi everyone - I am needing some advice please.

I have a big family wedding coming up - and I am getting myself so anxious about it.

I have started to have 'big' panic attacks and feel anxious pretty much 24/7. I have been getting a lot of pressure feelings in my head, dizziness, feeling like I am going to pass out, cannot breathe, chest pains, heart racing, pains and aches in my legs etc etc.....

I just dont know what to do. We have some of the family coming to stay with us too.

There is no point in going to see my doctor - as he will say it is stress/anxiety.

My biggest fear is that I am going to have a major panic attack at the wedding and make a big fool of myself and spoil the day. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.


23-05-07, 20:12
Is there anyone you could take that you feel safe around like a friend. Also try talking about it with your family adn tell them your concerns. Keeping it bottled up inside is not going to help.
I always find the thought of something alot worse than the acctual advent.
Have you got a stress ball? These can be great if you want a descrete destraction.
I can assure you, that you wont spoil the day or make a fool out of yourself. But if you tell someone that you are feeling abit panicky and need a few minutes you can take a brake outside. No one will mind.
Hope it all goes well
Take care

23-05-07, 20:20
Thanks Blackie for the quick response.

I am a bridesmaid - so it will be a bit difficult to just go out for some fresh air etc. I will be 'on show' all day. I have spoken to my family about it already and they already know how uptight and nervous I am, just dont know what else I can do.

I so want to be excited like my two little girls are.

24-05-07, 14:55

Is there anyway you can try to ignore it until you have to deal with it. I went through the same thing a few weeks ago when I was in a panic about something that is happening this weekend. I managed to try and not think about it, I've tried to tell myself 'what's the worst that could happen and if that does happen could I still deal with it' - the answer was yes, it's only a few days if I feel bad, I feel bad it'll pass and on Monday it'll be over it'll have happened and I'll have got through it and probably had a good time.

Is there anything else you can concentrate on in the run up, can you try to distract yourself with something, a friend of mine is going through a bad time right now and while I feel awful for her, I find if i focus on her a lot and help her I distract myself from what's happening this weekend so I don't suffer as much anticipation anxiety as usual.

I also went to my doctor and got some beta blockers which I haven't had the need to take yet (and I'm very impressed with myself for this) but I know if I do start to get really bad I have something to fall back on. I've also got some rescue remedy in my bag and a little book of calm to help.

Try not to focus on the wedding too much if you have a panic attack at the wedding, just sit there and focus on the bride and groom and afterwards just find somewhere quiet to sit for a few minutes and calm down. Believe you will get through it, believe you will have a great time and will look and feel fantastic, believe that you won't have a panic attack and even if you do believe you can deal with it. Believe in yourself :hugs:

24-05-07, 15:01
Poor you - I relate to this one. When I have to face big events and can't hide from them I break down the actual events of the day into little chunks in my head and think of positive things e.g is there someone at the do who you can't wait to see? If so forget it is a wedding but think of how great it will be to see that person and what you have to tell them.

Don't see the full event cos' it will scare you to pieces but see each little bit as different sections. E.g. think along the lines of " Hairdressing - that will nice having someone wash and blow dry my hair. Car journey - I'll count the chimmney stacks on the way. Church - I'll count the petals in my bouquet". Once the meal is over you'll feel brilliant.

24-05-07, 19:02
Hello Ann !
I think weddings are stressful enough if you're involved, without having to deal with panic attacks. You'll be a fantastic bridesmaid - but remember all eyes will be on the bride and groom - and you'll have the best view of the ceremony ! Sam's advice is good - break the day dodwn into bite-sized pieces.

A great EFT stress-buster is to tap the side of your hand just under your little finger - (you can easy do this whilst your carrying flowers so nobody will see) and say to yourself "I'm safe and secure with family and friends so I can breathe easy". This is really simple to do and will reduce your panic symptoms. Start doing it now and see how it works ..... give it a try.
Be kind to yourself

24-05-07, 19:51
Thanks so much for the great advice and taking the time out to reply, I really do appreciate it.

I really want to have a panic free day and to really enjoy it.

Thanks once again.:yesyes:

24-05-07, 19:54
We want a full report on the wedding - dresses, speeches and what the meal was like etc...

Enjoy it. You'll do better than you can currently imagine. XXX