View Full Version : Hello

13-11-04, 17:27

I am new to this and thought I should write in to you. I am a sufferer of acute anxiety I have suffered for years and i am 30 now. Its come to a head in the last 3 weeks and i have been to the doctor and been prescribed Citalopram and zopiclone. I feel very low and do not like being by myself, my boyfriend is supportive and he has to be with me most of the time. I do have good days and can go out and meet people but i do have days when I do have really bad panic attacks.

i wanted to write in to see if anyone else is as bad as me

Nic :)

13-11-04, 17:53
hello there,

Welcome to the site!! I am very dependent on my boyfriend as well. A while ago, he had to be with me at all times as I was too scared to be alone. I am much better now and try to be a little more independent. I'm sure that your medication will help you achieve this over time. Take care.

Sarah :D

13-11-04, 17:56
hi and welcome
im on the same meds as you and also suffer from severe anxiety so we have a lot in common. you have come to exactly the right site fro all the help and support you need
x david

13-11-04, 18:23

Welcome to the forum. You'll get a lot of support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

13-11-04, 18:34
Hi roberta.

A big warm welcome to the site.

There are lots of nice people here who will
help and support you.


13-11-04, 20:57
Welcome Nic,

If you have suffered for years do you know what you think about that sets you off and have you tried to address those issues ?


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

14-11-04, 12:02
Thank you for all your messages of support. I will write soon.


14-11-04, 19:38
Hi Nic

Welcome aboard and good to see you here.

It is lovely that your boyfriend - you will need some good support to help you through this.

I hope we can be of some help to you.


17-11-04, 23:11
Hi there

A warm welcome to the forum - I hope you'll find all the help and support you need here :D

Best wishes, Jo xx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

30-11-04, 12:25
Hello all

thought I should write and update this about how i'm doing. I'm still on my medication, plus olanzapine. I feeling a lot better able to go out a little bit here and there but with my boyfriend. Visiting friends and family. I'm having conselling once a week thats helping a lot.
I did pack up smoking but have started again which is really bad.

Will write again soon


30-11-04, 22:05
Hey Nicola

That is great news and thanks for updating us.

How is counselling going - is it making sense and helping?

Don't worry about the smoking - that will come in time. Concentrate on getting better first.

Great news to hear.


24-01-05, 23:14

I hope everyone had a good christmas and new year. I didn't, I had a huge panic attack on Christmas day due to my brother in law being a big pain in the ass and my family had to go shortly after. Maybe I took too much on as I did christmas this year, but hey ho. I wont do it next year some one else in the family can suffer him.

I had a quiet new year which was good and not had a panic attack since. I'm still having counselling every week which I find very good and I'm still on my medication. I'm still seeing my GP and she thinks I could start to come off in the spring but we will see how it goes I'm taking a day at a time.

I will write soon take care every one



25-01-05, 19:27
Hi Nicola

Thanks for the update.

Sorry about the panic on Xmas day but hope you are over it all now.

How is the counselling going?


28-01-05, 16:07
Thanks Nicola

Counselling is good, its helping me a lot being able to talk to someone outside the family circle who listens and kind of understands and doesnt look at me as though I am mad. I will continue to go once a week and quite look forward to it, my counseller is helping me trying to get to the root of the panic attacks.

I will write again soon.
Thanks for your support.


28-01-05, 18:59

Good luck with the counselling. It helped me a lot and I am sure you will get a lot out of it.

Keep us updated in the future but pop back anytime.


28-01-05, 19:51
Hi Nic,
I just wanted to welcome you to the forum and wish you well with your quest for a panic free life.

Good luck


28-01-05, 22:22

welcome to the forum. youre lucky to have a boyfriend, *day dreams into space*

Scooter Girl AKA Jade