View Full Version : Struggling With Disconnection from Surroundings

03-08-17, 08:27
Hello Everyone!

I've had anxiety for over 4 years now, starting when I was around 15. Last year I was diagnosed with GAD, and it gave me some closure as to how all my anxiety linked.

One of the worst aspects/worries is the feeling that I'm not entirely connected to my surroundings. A lot of the times I think it's caused by worrying in general, and thinking a lot on my head! I wondered if anyone else feels the same way sometimes?

I'm on holiday in Poland at the moment, and so far I've really conquered a lot of anxiety, as I haven't left England in years! But this is something that has lingered for years.

Many thanks, and good day!
Connor. :)

03-08-17, 12:39
Its called dissociation. Its very common with anxiety. I have it too

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03-08-17, 14:06
I'm not entirely sure it is dissociation, as I know that everything around me is real, and it's only the anxiety. But the worry has existed for so long that perhaps I keep trying to dismiss it. It's almost like an irrational thought or worry, which makes it hard to deal with as it creates a feeling of being on edge, and anxiety that can vary in intensity.