View Full Version : scared my boyfriend has vCJD (yes..mad cow)

03-08-17, 08:41
This is a rare one! And maybe its a stupid rare one.
Anyway,my boyfriend is British,born in 1995 and I think that the UK feed ban was in 1996? I'm not sure as I don't live in the UK but anywho,the reason I'm scared is literally only because of one reason: He's British. And he so happened to be born before the feed ban. I've done research online and it says that no one born in the UK after 1989 has gotten vCJD is this still true? I'm just so confused and frightened honestly.

03-08-17, 09:39
The population of the United Kingdom is 65million and the majority of those were born before 1996. The amount of people affected by vCJD was vanishingly small. This goes onto the list of worries like rabies and brain eating amoebas for me. There's just no way.

British Citizen
Born December 1984

03-08-17, 09:48
I'm from Scotland. I'm in my 40s. I have known 1 person who died of vCJD in my lifetime. My friend's father sadly. He was in his late 60s when he died.

Your boyfriend was born years after the dates that would cause any concern.

In 1988 - the ban on feed derived from protein introduced. The same year they slaughtered all BSE-affected cattle.

In February 1989 the Government banned beef offal from baby foods.

You can see how long all these dates are before your boyfriend was even a twinkle in his parents' eye.

March 1996 was the worldwide export ban on all British beef (I'm editing my post as I'm guessing this is what's started you worrying). Your BF would have been about or less than 1 years old, presumably on a diet of milk and mushed vege at that point.

There is zero chance your boyfriend is affected by this.

03-08-17, 09:50
I have been called a Mad Cow :roflmao:

03-08-17, 10:07
The population of the United Kingdom is 65million and the majority of those were born before 1996. The amount of people affected by vCJD was vanishingly small. This goes onto the list of worries like rabies and brain eating amoebas for me. There's just no way.

British Citizen
Born December 1984

What Server said :)

p.s. I was shit scared of rabies growing up as a child of the 80s, with parents who let me watch "The Mad Death" on telly as a kid. Cheers mum and dad!

---------- Post added at 10:07 ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 ----------

I have been called a Mad Cow :roflmao:

lol, me too. I've definitely got something but thankfully not moo-cow related.

03-08-17, 10:18
I remember the burning pyres of cattle in 2000 when farmers had to slaughter most of their herd. It was terrible.

My parents continued to feed me beef and I'm still here. And now I'm hungry. Is it okay to eat steak at 10:20am?

03-08-17, 10:20
I remember the burning pyres of cattle in 2000 when farmers had to slaughter most of their herd. It was terrible.

My parents continued to feed me beef and I'm still here. And now I'm hungry. Is it okay to eat steak at 10:20am?

It is ALWAYS ok to eat steak at 10.20am.

Keep Calm and have a burger, and all that.

03-08-17, 10:43
I'm from Scotland. I'm in my 40s. I have known 1 person who died of vCJD in my lifetime. My friend's father sadly. He was in his late 60s when he died.

Your boyfriend was born years after the dates that would cause any concern.

In 1988 - the ban on feed derived from protein introduced. The same year they slaughtered all BSE-affected cattle.

In February 1989 the Government banned beef offal from baby foods.

You can see how long all these dates are before your boyfriend was even a twinkle in his parents' eye.

March 1996 was the worldwide export ban on all British beef (I'm editing my post as I'm guessing this is what's started you worrying). Your BF would have been about or less than 1 years old, presumably on a diet of milk and mushed vege at that point.

There is zero chance your boyfriend is affected by this.

oh,so the March 1996 ban was a worldwide ban? so they couldn't export meats to other countries
Thank you anyhow as this has put my mind at somewhat of an ease :hugs:

---------- Post added at 05:43 ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 ----------

I remember the burning pyres of cattle in 2000 when farmers had to slaughter most of their herd. It was terrible.

My parents continued to feed me beef and I'm still here. And now I'm hungry. Is it okay to eat steak at 10:20am?

Thats so sad and horrible but it had to be done sadly...
Also since learning about BSE I've been more hungry ironically :laugh:

03-08-17, 10:54
oh,so the March 1996 ban was a worldwide ban? so they couldn't export meats to other countries

Yes, the worldwide export ban on all British beef.

Honestly, I know it's scary, especially if you've seen the footage we've been talking about, but there's nothing to worry about for your BF here. x

03-08-17, 11:53
Im still reading about the feed ban and its all so confusing because of how many bans there were. I know the inital ban was in 1988 but then there is so much more information. Sorry to be such a bother on this :(

03-08-17, 12:54
While I can appreciate this is a scary thought in your head, that's all it is.

Positive thoughts

03-08-17, 15:17
Im still reading about the feed ban and its all so confusing because of how many bans there were. I know the inital ban was in 1988 but then there is so much more information. Sorry to be such a bother on this :(

You're not being a bother. The site is here for people in distress. However, I will be honest with you, you need to stop reading about these feed bans. You'll probably never be able to make complete sense of it, and it's totally and utterly irrelevant anyway. This is just like when people continue to compulsively Google search and just make themselves more and more worried.

If you're unable to accept and to see the fact that you have nothing to worry about here, you'll need to get some help dealing with your irrational and upsetting thoughts.

Sorry if this sounds harsh. I'm not looking to upset you, I can assure you.

03-08-17, 19:41
Im still reading about the feed ban and its all so confusing because of how many bans there were. I know the inital ban was in 1988 but then there is so much more information. Sorry to be such a bother on this :(

As SE said, it's such a rare disease in the UK when you look at population size. And we exported too so you can add many other populations into that rarity.

Like you said, you only worry because your BF is from here. It's not even a question of possible perceived symptoms, is literally his nationality. Isn't that the same as worrying your BF has Ebola because he was from somewhere that had a period of it when he lived there? Or rabies because it's in the country he came from?

For the Brits on the thread, remember Trigger? "I've been eating British beef all my life Del and it never did me any harm", "two plates of egg & chips, Mike" :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 19:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------

I have been called a Mad Cow :roflmao:

Was that from nibbling on one of our rugby players when you were in NZ recently, Lola? :biggrin:

03-08-17, 19:47
I *still* can't donate blood in the US because I lived in London in the early 90s. Despite being a universal donor :/