View Full Version : Help "Going" to a convention in few hours

Tsukiyomi Naoko
03-08-17, 09:05
I there!

I just found and joined the forum after reading some articles about anxiety. Sorry if my introduction isn't really good, at the moment i really don't know how to introduce myself.

So i'm supposed to go to an other city to a big anime convention in at 08:30 am and it's now 03:50 am. As you can see i didn't slept yet and i probably won't but anyway i'm used to deal with the lack of sleep.

My problem is that i was really hyped, in fact, I just bought some stuff for there today. Now that i talked about how we planned to go there, i don't want to go anymore, i just realized that i'm way out of my comfort zone.

Here's why :

1. I didn't get my Cosplay since shipping got delayed (Costume whatever)

2. My 1200$ phone's rear camera just broke for real it can't be fixed so rip pictures

3. My backup clothes to do "kind of a cosplay" doesn't seem right since I didn't get my shoes back from my friend

4. Well, there will be thousands of people

5. I need to take a bus to travel between these towns (about 2hours) and I already got hard time traveling in our regular bus.

6. I'm badly organized but i got a way to go and a roof over my head.

7. I'll spend around 200$ on that trip and I'm a bit tight on money right now (Even though i won't die spending it)

There are many others minors things that reaaally stop me from wanting to go. Right now i want everything BUT to go there.

I hope there's some of you on the forum at the moment, i'm going to take a showing and i'm back here and read more articles while i wait for your help.

Thanks in advance! Have a nice evening, day, etc depending on your time zone i hope my English isn't too bad since it's not my first language and that my brain kind of suck right now lol


03-08-17, 10:32
Hi Naoko - Anxiety about travel usually peaks just before you leave. Once you get going it starts to fade. Nobody will worry about your costume, since they'll probably be worrying most about their own! Just tell everyone you meet how fantastic they look and they will love you. Have a great time.