View Full Version : pains in back, leg and side.

24-05-07, 09:39
Hi there

I have been going through a rough time lately. I had microscopic blood in my urine and pain in my stomach (left). Anyway I had an xray of kidneys and they are normal, so that was a relief, but ever since I have been having lots of other symptoms. I have been having stabbing pains in my side and back. They come and go and scare me. I have also got lower back pain and a feeling of a trapped nerve in my lower left back, which goes into my leg. I think if I knew these symptoms were nothing to worry about I wouldn't be bothered by them. Can anyone relate to this?

Sarah x

geordie flower
24-05-07, 13:57
hiya, dont know if this helps but i had similar symptoms to u and a general feeling of being unwell, i put a water sample into docs and they said there was blood in it which meant i had a water infection so doc gave me an antibiotic course for 3 days. They also send sample away to hospital to make sure u don need a specific anti biotic cos there are loads ov types of water infections but usually a general 3 day one does the trick. wishing you well, take care tracey :) xxx

24-05-07, 20:21
Thanks Tracey

I think I have a post from you in the 'health anxiety' forum. I have posted a reply there, but thanks for your help.

Sarah x