View Full Version : Chronic Shortness of Breathe, but 99% oxygen in blood.

03-08-17, 15:41
So, problem started 2.5 yrs ago and it effects me all day. Sitting makes it worse and eating. Perhaps it's because I feel my stomach all the time that makes me think I can't breathe, but I get a feeling in my stomach telling me I'm not getting that good breath which makes me take deep breathes and leads to chest wall pain making my breathing worse and results in all the fun anxiety symptoms which makes life debilitating and has me on temp. disability. I don't know how much more I can take, so I need to beat this soon.

I've been diagnosed with major depression, gad, health anxiety, drug induced anxiety. I'm very sensitive to meds now and I fear them because the anxiety makes me feel them in a different way now, and b/c of bad experience with the xanax.

I've tried many antidepressants. The breathing issue doesn't go away while on them. Benzo's out of the question because of a past horrible hellish experience, and even on my short time on them, my breathing still was messed up. It started to cause me to stop breathing at night, so I quit that cold turkey after a month on low dose which I then went through hellish symptoms that lasted for a very long time and perhaps even still to this day, but who know what it is that keeps me anxiety going. Could be what I did with the drug, or it's just me.

What I'm taking now: Vistirl 5mg as needed, anxiet-y supplement w/ (kava, magnesium, l theanine, gaba, and ashwaga), fishoil, probiotics.

Self help activities: Breathing exercise, begun trying meditation chanting the moola prayer along with a vid, PMR, trying to build up courage to go to a yoga class, but on and off with the tube yoga (anyone know of a really good one that's relaxing and focuses on breathing?), walking, binaural beats.

Foods I've started to intake more: spinach, blueberries, dark chocolate, pistachios.

So yea, the drug part. I did a speedy type of mdma that I wasn't familiar with, with some acid, and it messed me up because I'm an idiot, didn't care, and it's been torture ever since. It made my anxiety worse making me a hypochondriac because I thought i was going to die, having panic attacks cause my heart was beating so fast. Anyway, that was 2.5 years ago, I don't do anything now. (Very embarrassed). Perhaps that experience has made me too focused on myself especially my heart. I've improved with my health anxiety, but it's still there. Many days I wish it would stop beating now.

Daily Anxiety Symptoms: Muscle tension, sleep is horrible, wake up in pain/tense, ears ringing, in a constant battle with my jaw and relaxing it, weird vision, lightheadedness, weird facial feelings, sometimes I stop breathing at night right before I fall asleep, sensitive to light and sound, basically my body feels like it's in a panic state 24/7, tight stomach, acid reflux, throat sensitivity/burning.

When I tried Viibryd, it helped with the muscle tension, but too many side effects. It also took away the throat sensitivity,burning.

I think the only thing that keeps me sane is that I had this breathing issue when I was a kid, it would come n go, but wasn't like it is now, not even close. So, I try to believe it's just hell anxiety and wish it would go away.

Can anyone help me or relate to the shortness of breathe??

03-08-17, 19:57
Hmmmmm, I can relate to your MDMA experience. Although mine was an LSD trip that went horribly wrong. It too has stayed with me, even now three years later, I can still hear and smell things from that night. And it still leaves me panicked and anxious.

I suffer with debilitating anxiety. I can't comment on your shortness of breath symptom. It's strange how the body reacts to stressors. I had Globus as a result of anxiety. Although, at the time I was convinced it was an oesophageal tumour. It took months to clear. However, once I accepted it for what it was it seemed to get better slowly, day by day.

As much as I hate to be reliant on meds. I take Mirtazapine 45mg/day. It's an AD of the NASSA type. It helps enormously with sleep and relaxation. But has the downside of possible weight gain. I counter that with a very healthy diet. But it might help you find a safe place in which to recover from your anxious episodes. That, in turn, might give you some relief from your breathing difficulties. Have you tried Mirt before?

I wish you the best, it is a horrible sufferance I know only too well. You are not alone and I'm sure someone else will be along shortly with better advice and support, than I have been able to offer.


15-08-17, 06:57
Thank you for the response randomgeeza and sorry for my late reply. Many things of happened since i posted this so havent been able to reply. had hand surgery recently. so had a fun time taking the pain meds only for it to make my anxiety worse. everytime i took it, would feel the symptoms of an anxiety attack.

it seems ive learned to feel everything in my body to an extreme...

before the operation, the nurse started to give me iv, and boy i was feeling the anxiety then... id ask the anesthesiologist if he's giving me anything yet because i felt weird... i said, is it me or you? of course it was me and it was only salt water, but the fear that i have with any kind of med is major.

i guess cause now i feel it differently. damn anxiety. i used to love takin pain med, now instead of a melow out feeling, i get panic, but maybe thats for the best.

i havent tried mirt before.

anyway, thank you for sharing. i hope you overcome your anxiety soon.

23-08-17, 08:25
I really feel alone with my breathing issue. I just can't find anyone to relate to, anyone who has recovered from it and to guide me. Is there really no one out there that has this debilitating issue?

10-09-17, 18:25
Hi JS1803...

You've found one here, ME!

I've been having breathing issues for 4 weeks now. It started shortly after ODing on nasal steroids. I think I screwed up my stomachs bacteria balance and have suffered from intermittent bouts of feeling full, tight chested and bloated. Along with all these symptoms I suffer from this annoying shortness of breath.

Im a mild asthmatic but this is different. I feel I cant take a full deep breath in or out, my diaphragm area feels incredibly tight. As I say Im an Asthmatic but I still can blow on my Peak Flow meter a good 650-700 (which is good for even a non asthmatic). I can even exercise, so this breathlessness is a mystery.

I know I suffer from anxiety and am admittedly a hypochondriac. All this just feeds my concerns so I'd love to chat and see if we can make some kind of light out of this situation.

10-09-17, 18:42
Hi, i can relate too! I get a horrible heavy feeling on my chest and s.o.b and also get a weird pressure feeling in my stomach. I also can totally relate to the stopping breathing issue before you fall asleep (hate that, so scary) I quit smoking over a gear ago and found it dissapeared however its returned in the last few weeks much to my dissapointment :( i have found online something called Upper airway resistance syndrome. Its a sleep disprder which sounds very much like we are suffering with, have a read see what you think? Do you suffer with your throat at all? I get terrible tightness sometimes in my throat not always at the same time but i am wondering if its all in any way related. I also suffer from fast heart rate. Your not alone! X

10-09-17, 22:03
I know what this feels like. It makes me very depressed. I also get the sensation my throat is closing and that I am about to stop breathing. Had a sleep apnea test done and they said there was no apnea. I wish there was a way to beat this.

14-08-18, 02:16
I feel like i made this post. My nervous system is so overactive i feel every little thing including everything you have experienced. If you are still struggling or even if you aren't i would love to chat about it

15-08-18, 07:59
Maybe read up on the effects of elevated levels of cortisol on the body. A friend of mine suggested that this can cause all sorts of issues. We produce excess cortisol when we panic or are anxious.

16-08-18, 17:30
Is it possible to be tested for excess levels of cortisol and if so what can be done about it 😀

16-08-18, 18:37
This breathing issue is incredibly common with anxiety, I suffered with it for a couple of years.

There were two things I noticed that caused it.

The first was all over muscle tension. Your diaphragm is a muscle, and if you are tense it doesn't work efficiently. This leads to the feeling of not being able to take a full breath.

The second thing is that in the effort of taking a full breath, you're actually messing up your CO2 levels a bit, effectively hyperventilating. I eventually discovered something called Buteyko breathing. It's completely counter-intuitive, but it teaches you to breathe only through your nose, and not try and breath too deeply. It helps re-balance the O2/CO2 levels in your blood and helps alleviate the feeling that you're always short of breath.

The other thing you must do is stop focusing on your breathing. If you have 99% blood oxygen, you're fine. It's an anxiety symptom.

02-09-18, 18:48
Another one here that is currently in the middle of a very tough globus / breathing issue. I've had an ECG and seen 2 different GPs who have both given me the all clear. Doesn't help the breathing and being terrified of it though!

18-09-18, 03:21
I'm also battling a breathing issue. It almost feels like I have asthma, tight in the chest. My chest xray and ekg were completely normal.

11-07-20, 20:34
Hi I know this post is old. How did you all get on?