View Full Version : Blood Tinged Phlegm

03-08-17, 15:58
I've been sick since last Wednesday. Started as a sore throat that was horrendous and then tons of mucus/phlegm.

I'm on day 8 of this cold and a couple days ago I noticed that there was some blood when I would blow my nose. Especially in the morning. And if I stick the tissue back into the back of my nose it's kinda sore and comes out bloody.

Yesterday morning when I got up to blow my nose first thing, it was real bad like almost nose bleed bad. I'm worried.

03-08-17, 16:44
Your nose is probably just irritated from the cold and all the nose blowing. Totally normal in those circumstances to have a little blood in your mucus and dripping down into your throat. I've had the same the last few weeks because my air passages are dried out from sleeping with the air conditioning blowing on me. If I forget and go up there with a tissue, it starts a bleed that will last a few minutes. Have you gone to the doctor to get checked for a sinus infection? Try not to mess with your nose too much (especially going deep up there). Maybe try a neti pot or saline spray to clear some of the mucus and moisten the passages?

03-08-17, 21:29
That's nothing, when I had a bad sinus infection after it cleared up I blew out a big blood glob of mucus from my sinuses it looked like chicken liver lol, I took a pic it looked so gross but boy did my sinuses feel better after. When you get sick with something like this your sinuses and throat are infected and this can cause bleeding which makes your mucus bloody depending on how bad they are infected the more bloody it will become. Mine wasn't just blood tinged mine look like straight blood but I also had a severe sinus a infection combined with a severe sore throat.