View Full Version : Gettting older getting worse?

old fred
03-08-17, 19:55
Having bad time at moment.I am lucky that I can keep it down to a bearable level but the last few weeks I am findingit harder to keep control and longer to recover and wonder if my anxiety is getting worse or because of my age(69)and are fed up of fighting it.

I Don't Get it!
03-08-17, 22:02
Bless your heart. Sorry you're having a hard time right now. I don't know about age making it harder - I think it's swings and roundabouts tbh. It probably makes some aspects of this illness harder to cope with, like you say, the ability to recover quickly, amongst other things.

But in my opinion having some life experience and wisdom makes other aspects easier. At least you know about your condition and you've got coping skills that have been learned over time.

You say you're tired of fighting it? Have you tried not fighting and accepting the anxious feelings and letting them pass? I really hope I don't sound patronising, but I found that Claire Weekes's advice to accept and understand the anxiety and let it run it's course has really helped me.

I hope you feel better soon :flowers:

03-08-17, 23:08
I am absolutely agree with I don't care, the age is not a handicap to worst the anxiety, its normal that we have some peaks of anxiety in time to time. You need to continue with your treatment like cbt and medication, regards.

05-08-17, 09:12
Hi Fred , I,m sorry you are having a rough time but your not alone . I will be 61 in September and I retired in March this year and struggling to cope with my retirement .
I am having terrible mood swings throughout the day ( our weather doesn,t help ) .
I am trying to find some middle ground in terms of "what the f**ck do I do all day every day , I feel lost sometimes . I run my son to work 3 miles along the road and its a warehouse within a small ind estate and I feel "I should be working here too "kind of thing , its so blooming weird after working since I was 15 .
So Fred your not alone , I'm having anxiety attacks on and off and weird dreams ,aches and pains all over . I hope you improve

05-08-17, 11:14
https://youtu.be/VuGzJVKtW6g //////// old fred i am 69 to and pissed off with the fight , i have a shed load of grandkids and my family all love the bones of me or i would be making smoke at the crematorium . I am not religious what God would give mental illness to anyone. ?????? if i was religious i would count myself a fallen angel:madness: