View Full Version : Night time urination

04-08-17, 06:20
So I have some surgery coming up, and it has me a bit rattled. With that in mind, I am waking up two or three times a night with the need to urinate. Is waking up like that typical of anxiety? I have a fairly active bladder anyway, but lately it seems much worse.

My blood sugar is fine, no diabetes. It isn't other more sinister things that occupy my mind. So, any other guys out there night time pee-ers?

Otherwise I worry about my prostate though I am only 46, not too far away from the age, but not quite there yet. Could it be anxiety waking me up to pee?

Open heart surgery does have me a bit shaken.

04-08-17, 21:35
It's extremely common when anxiety hits to get up a lot during the night to urinate, whenever i fly i have to pee several times during a short flight because I'm anxious about flying. Right now going through a scare and i am up 3 times a night, stop fluids 3 hrs before bed helps.

04-08-17, 21:56
Brother... once I hit my mid 40's, I don't think I've gone a night without getting up at least once. What I really hate is dreaming that I have to go! Then going in my dream and still having to go ~lol~ Then I finally wake up and it's off to the bathroom I go!

Nah man... it's not unusual.

Positive thoughts

05-08-17, 00:03
Lol, i have had those dreams too, always scared i was going to wet the bed