View Full Version : Things that have helped or cured anxiety please

04-08-17, 19:49
Hi, was just looking for any advice on what has helped people deal with/cure/help lessen frequency of anxiety that they would like to share please. Feeling like hearing your stories might give me some hope that I can get over this anxiety and would like to hear of things that have helped you guys that I could maybe try.

04-08-17, 20:04
Time, consistency and not giving up.

Being more active, finding an interest/hobby, stopping/limiting Google, eating better, recognising your own bad thinking patterns.

04-08-17, 22:00
Exercise has really helped me. The feeling after completing a really hectic session does wonders for my mood and reduces my negativity and anxiety levels.

04-08-17, 22:22
My therapist told me to write the situation down. This is an excerpt from a book "The feeling good handbook" by David Burns, M.D.

What is the situation? Only the facts.
Thoughts or beliefs? Self talk.

Feelings, how do you feel as a result of your thoughts?

Dispute thoughts or beliefs. What is unrealistic in your thinking? What are your dogmatic shoulds and musts?

I don't "fight" anxiety. I challenge my thoughts, I ask myself what value do they have? I started out by writing them down, now I do it in my head.

I did these steps 20 times a day if I had too. I've been thinking about anxiety and we keep saying it came back, it's bothering me again. There is no IT, we are in control of our thoughts. Someone posted on here that a thought is a wisp of wind or smoke. We have to get out of our own heads!

We can overcome anxiety! It takes work and practice.

I still have moments but I breathe through them and remind myself to stay focused on the now. It takes work, work, work, but as you take this steps, your brain just doesn't have room for negative thoughts, they will diminish day by day. Its awesome!

04-08-17, 22:23
A good therapist, years of hard work, meds when I needed them, and a supportive ear. For me personally acceptance was huge.

05-08-17, 05:19
For me:
--grief counseling (group)
--medication (Lexapro, metropolol)
--daily walking
--new hobbies
--Self-help books...the best ones (The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Bourne and
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk)
--Cutting back on stressful projects at work

05-08-17, 08:46
Exercise, spending more time with the people I love, therapy, keeping busy and medication... A combination of these things has made a big difference to me.