View Full Version : Terrified I have pancreatic cancer

04-08-17, 20:58

I hope I am posting in the correct section. I’m incredibly worried and hope someone can help relieve my anxiety a little.

First a bit about myself - I’m 33, 151lbs, exercise 4/5 times a week and don’t drink or smoke. I’ve had no prior history of health issues, although I have suffered with anxiety and hypochondria in the past, which I thought I had kicked once I took up regular exercise around 5 years ago and hadn’t had an episode for a long time.

Around 3 weeks ago I thought I had come down with a little bit of food poisoning. Shortly after lunch I began to feel a little off in the stomach department and put it down to just eating something dodgy and thought it would pass quickly. It didn’t, and over the next few days I continued to experience stomach ache in and around the centre (both left and right), sometimes after eating, as well as discomfort beginning to radiate around the back (and sometimes in the groin) and incredibly loose stools.

A few days after the first symptoms, I began to be put under a lot of stress at work that lasted just under two weeks. All the symptoms persisted and having suffered with anxiety before I thought these were merely triggers and symptoms from that - thinking once I was on holiday at the end of the two weeks, they would go away - they didn’t. I continued to have stomach ache, back ache, tiredness and loose stools, to the point where I went to a local doctor near where i was staying who asked me to provide a stool sample (the results of which have yet to return) and gave me Loperamide to help with the loose stools.

Of course, during this time I’d gone online to see what Google said about my symptoms, and the first thing to show up was pancreatic cancer. This obviously terrified me and made me believe that the symptoms I’ve got are actually for this type of cancer.

However, once I got home I started to feel a little better. My stomach wasn’t nowhere near as uncomfortable (although it was still there) and my stools had gone back to being solid (I’d also began to flatulate a lot more - something I was known to do regularly before and hadn’t done during the last few weeks, much to my girlfriend’s annoyance) and so my anxiety abated a little.

However, my back was still hurting - particularly between my shoulder blades making it very uncomfortable to sit in one position for any amount of time and in some cases felt like i had a blockage when I swallowed. I originally put this down to just me sleeping on a very uncomfortable bed for the last week or so, but then today I began to feel light headed and become incredibly thirsty too.

Obviously, looking at Dr Google once again, the symptoms for pancreatic cancer and pancreatis are what show up instantly, but now with added symptoms which are making me terrified this is what I’ve got.

Apologies for the long rant, I just needed to get this off my chest.

05-08-17, 00:00
33 is a very extremely unusual age for pancreatic cancer. But if someone does not feel right and unusual you should consort it with your GP. I have fear of that murderous devil cancer from hell myself. I wish I had never learned of its existence.
But - stress can cause stomach pain; remember that. And remember; when you google; the worst case scenario dieaeases tends to turn up. Because people with helath anxiety tends to google worst case scenario diseases and thats why these conditions comes up on top of google results. What you describe is much, much, much more likely to be somethong else and something less dangerous than pancreatic cancer. But go and check yourself. And meanwhile; I will adivsie you to stop googling. I know it is easier said than done; I am doing the same shit myself; but what I can tell you 100% for sure is that it will worsen your anxiety.

Pearly queen
22-08-17, 16:46
Have you considered IBS? There is a sticky post here that lists the many symptoms of IBS. It seems unlikely at your age to be pancreatic cancer but I know as one HA sufferer to another that the worst case scenario is often the only scenario we can see. I advice a visit to the Doctor and they can run bloods, urine and fecal occult tests. This will give you peace of mind. In my experience IBS and anxiety/stress go hand in hand.

22-08-17, 23:37
Ahhh I'm a fan of Dr Google. It's ridiculous. My latest one is convincing myself my skin and eye whites are yellow. Oh and today I have swollen groin nodes so I've googled that.

23-08-17, 02:22
With your age it's more likely IBS or even gallbladder issues. I'd see the doctor of course but honestly step away from google and consult your dr

24-10-18, 17:53
Hi everyone, looks like this has reared it's head once again.

Started around 2 weeks ago with aches in my left rib, which then escalated into stomach ache in the same area (directly behind the ribs), stomach ache with loose stools, back ache, muscle ache and weight loss (4-5lbs in a week)

Went to the doctors, who has asked me to provide a stool sample - (no blood tests tho) and told me to take buscapan and painkillers. Took two before bed last night and after a large bowel movement this morning, I've had fewer cramps and no trips to the loo until recently.

However, once again I'm fearing the worst. With me being another year older and not finding out what was wrong with me last time, I'm fearful that they missed something and that something serious has the time to grow. I've also found that I'm getting thirsty more and scared that it could be diabetes, which is an early precursor to PC.

24-10-18, 18:08
Of course, during this time I’d gone online to see what Google said about my symptoms

If I had a dollar for every time I've seen that statement in a post, I would be rich!

Positive thoughts

24-10-18, 18:20

So, its been 14 months since this strange 'ill feeling' you had before, which you feared was pancreatic cancer. Can you describe what they found out, if anything, and what the outcome was 14 months ago?

I'm not doubting you have 'something' that is making you unwell, or that the symptoms you are experiencing don't exist, but if you'd had pancreatic cancer 14 months ago then by now, with no treatment, you would be incredibly ill.

24-10-18, 18:27
if you'd had pancreatic cancer 14 months ago then by now, with no treatment, you would be incredibly ill.

I’d say resting quite comfortably.....

24-10-18, 18:30
Yeah :winks:

24-10-18, 18:35
I don't doubt you're having symptoms. 99% of the posts here are about anxiety symptoms and they're definitely real but you've posted about several cancers you thought you've had over the last year. What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

24-10-18, 18:38
Hey, thanks for replying so quickly :)

Last time I felt something similar to this they found nothing. They did a stool sample (which came back clear) and then sent me for some blood tests (which all came back fine too) and my symptoms seems to go soon after.

The symptoms this time around are not exactly the same (more on the left side than all over) and the ache under the ribs is different this time.

My girlfriend seems to think anxiety is playing a big part (and I do suffer from anxiety pretty badly)

---------- Post added at 18:38 ---------- Previous post was at 18:35 ----------

I don't doubt you're having symptoms. 99% of the posts here are about anxiety symptoms and they're definitely real but you've posted about several cancers you thought you've had over the last year. What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

Hey Fish :flowers:

Earlier this year I was transferred to take part in an online CBT course through my local council help centre - where I'd have a weekly phone chat with a professional to go over my anxiety etc. It seemed to help a little but clearly not enough since I'm back here.

Currently on a waiting list to see if I make the grade for a one to one with a professional councillor.

I might have to go private if the wait is too long.

24-10-18, 19:02
Hey Fish :flowers:

Earlier this year I was transferred to take part in an online CBT course through my local council help centre - where I'd have a weekly phone chat with a professional to go over my anxiety etc. It seemed to help a little but clearly not enough since I'm back here.

Currently on a waiting list to see if I make the grade for a one to one with a professional councillor.

I might have to go private if the wait is too long.

That's good to hear! :yesyes: In the mean time, there is a self help course HERE (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324) you can work on.

Positive thoughts

25-10-18, 16:54
Hi again everyone,

Apologies for posting so much, but I have a question.

I'm obviously trying to combat my HA, but wondering what the best way to go about it is. Because I'm obviously feeling symptoms right now, I'm in a state of HA, but what's the best course of action to try and beat this?

Should I try and get these symptoms figured out first through my PHP, or should I try and face the health anxiety head on and try to beat that and hope the symptoms at the same time?

Obviously I'm fearing the worst currently, so maybe try and get the all clear from the doctors first?

25-10-18, 17:30
I'm obviously trying to combat my HA, but wondering what the best way to go about it is.

In the mean time, there is a self help course HERE (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324) you can work on.

Have you downloaded the modules? What questions do you have about them?

Positive thoughts

25-10-18, 17:36
Yup, downloaded them and currently up to Module 4 :)

I guess my question is it's kind of a catch 22 situation. I want to beat the HA, but am in the midst of symptoms currently. Do you think it's possible to get these symptoms to stop through doing the rest of the course?

25-10-18, 17:46
Yup, downloaded them and currently up to Module 4 :)

I guess my question is it's kind of a catch 22 situation. I want to beat the HA, but am in the midst of symptoms currently. Do you think it's possible to get these symptoms to stop through doing the rest of the course?

Yes, but not immediately.

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

It takes time and hard work but as the anxiety wanes, the flames will go down. As long as you keep working on the modules and putting the techniques into practice, you'll keep the flames from flaring up and thus improving the symptoms associated with them.

Positive thoughts

25-10-18, 18:01
The good thing about retraining your brain to think slightly differently, is that is works even for when you DO have a serious illness. I'm not saying that you DO, but if in the future you did then you can employ the same methods of thought processes.

26-10-18, 19:11
I'm currently trying to do the distraction tasks on the modules - my house hasn't been this clean in years! but I'm finding them not to work.

What things do you guys do to take your mind off your symptoms?

26-10-18, 19:16
DIY, a major job of some sort. Hobbies ; crafts/gardening/wildlife/volunteering/cooking/learning a new skill.....something I like and enjoy generally.