View Full Version : Secondhand Smoke

04-08-17, 21:00
Hello again,

I want to again thank you for everyone who helped me get through quite a hard time I was having the last few weeks with my mom's renal lesion. :)

But, I do have an honest question that I would like to ask. My father smokes constantly around us. He doesn't smoke directly in the house, he never does that. But, he smokes in the garage attached to our house. And while he doesn't keep the door open, and let smoke in, when he comes back in from the house, the smoke kind of comes with him. Also, when he exhales, there's a few puffs of smoke still in his lungs that come out. So, while I don't see any smoke, this happens every single day.

So, to my question, should my mother be worried about this causing her cyst in the first place, or possibly making it worse? I just worry so much about her health that I want to know if she's at risk for anything more serious going on because of the smoke.

04-08-17, 21:24
A smoker is going to smell like and ashtray and carry that around with him wherever he goes. What you describe does not pose a risk other than to him for smoking IMO.

Positive thoughts

04-08-17, 23:55
A smoker is going to smell like and ashtray and carry that around with him wherever he goes. What you describe does not pose a risk other than to him for smoking IMO.

Positive thoughts

Yep, Fishmanpa is right in my opinion too. My other half smokes in the evenings outside in the smokers' Siberia that I've turned our tiny front porch into to keep him away from the kids. He stinks when he comes back in. I don't like it, but I know it's not hurting the rest of us. I make him do it when the kids are (supposed to be) in bed.

05-08-17, 21:24
I thought the same thing as well. But, my room is on the second floor of the house, and when I open my door, I immediately smell the remnants of smoke. And this happens nearly everyday.

That's more so my point I guess, because if I would only smell it when I was near him, I wouldn't have posed the question. I mean, I'll be moving out by the end of the month so I won't have to smell it, but my mother will still be living here.