View Full Version : why do i feel like this? is it bc i increased?

05-08-17, 01:57
ive been taking lexapro for months now. started off at 5, that was horrible, went up to 10, it was good, and then pounced up to 15. at 15 i was functioning waaaaay better but i still had some anxiety that could have been controlled more. so my doc told me it was time to go up to 20.

in may he gave me a prescription to go up to 20 mg and i filled it. but then i chickened out and last min called him and asked him to send over a new 15 mg prescription and he did. he also told me that i could take my time and take the 20 when i felt ready and more sure.

fast forward to mid july, i was having some extra anxiety that i was just tired of dealing with, so i decided i was ready. i started taking the old prescription of 20 mg. at first i felt nothing. now im 18 days in and for the past few days ive been feeling HORRIBLE. chest and back tightness and pain, increased anxiety and depression, increased heart rate, decreased appetite, depersonalization, etc. its been hard to even go outside. im terrified. the thing is, im having financial problems at the moment that are also taking a toll on me so i cant decide if im feeling this way bc of an increased dosage or bc of added stress.

just to make sure the pills werent expired and not performing well, i called my doc two days ago and asked for a fresh prescription. i took my first pill of the 20 mg fresh prescription last night and for the past two days ive been taking some ativan too. i want to see if there is any difference.

do you guys normally get side effects when you first increase? and for how long? is it abnormal to feel side effects 18 days in? and if so, then would that just mean this dosage is too high for me? if u guys have any of ur own experiences pls share, im terrified :weep:

---------- Post added at 00:57 ---------- Previous post was at 00:55 ----------

and my eye sight is blurrier than usual...

05-08-17, 05:10
Increases usually cause side effects. The starting minimum dose is 10 mg, so at 20 mg, you're taking double. It will take a week or two more for your body to catch up. Do you have any benzos like Xanax that you could take to help you on the really bad days? Also, from what I understand from my doctor (I'm also on Lexapro), you can't take "too high" of a dose, as long as you're not overdosing, of course. Your body just expels the excess Lexapro.