View Full Version : Heart blockage worries about my husband

05-08-17, 08:46
A quick run down. Husband has been taking sharp intakes of breathe on and off recently. Has no pain but is suffering heartburn/indigestion at times, after eating. Takes a Gaviscon and is fine but the breathing thing continues. We are on holidays at the mo and I insisted we went to see a doc. Doc did various things, listening to chest and lungs etc and said he wanted to send him to hospital as he thought it may be angina. No idea why he thought this.

Went to hospital, had bloods done, ECG done and x Ray done. Wanted to do a repeat ECG and bloods after six hours but he really didn't want to stay in hospital-on hols and foreign country. Anyway, doc listened to heart and lungs and said both were fine, ECG was fine, x Ray was fine, bloods were fine, pulse was fine.

He still has this shortage when breathing, not all the time though. They said that because of his age (62 today) and his smoking history (gave up 12 years ago) that this puts him at risk. The doc suggested an echocardiogram and a stress test but here, it's a public holiday weekend so that wouldn't be done until Tuesday.

I suppose I'm asking with everything coming back as clear, do you think it's all ok. Very worried about it all.