View Full Version : Acid reflux and anxiety

05-08-17, 09:46
Ok so I've got acid reflux.. I get it quite bad for a few days then it goes away. The thing is, no tablets work, no medicine. No sitting up. It's seems that no matter what it won't go away. I've had two cameras down and nothing's been found. No swelling no bacterial nothing. Can acid reflux be phsycological ? Could it be that it's just a habit and my body's go used to doing it? It's very odd that no amount of medicinal help works.

05-08-17, 10:09

I've got terrible Acid Reflux and really bad nausea with it and i'm the same nothing really works, it is definitely worse when i'm anxious its horrible, and I have had one camera all was clear.

Jayne x

05-08-17, 19:35
Ok so I've got acid reflux.. I get it quite bad for a few days then it goes away. The thing is, no tablets work, no medicine. No sitting up. It's seems that no matter what it won't go away. I've had two cameras down and nothing's been found. No swelling no bacterial nothing. Can acid reflux be phsycological ? Could it be that it's just a habit and my body's go used to doing it? It's very odd that no amount of medicinal help works.

Yes, it is psychological in the sense that the more anxious you are, the more stomach acid you produce. In order to reduce your acid, you will need to reduce your anxiety. Also, have you changed your diet?

05-08-17, 21:50
Yeah I've changed my diet, tried the lot. I do only ever get reflux from when I'm anxious

05-08-17, 22:38
Did they prescribe you PPIs (Omezaprole or similar) and they still didn't work? I have had really bad acid reflux, though mine was self-inflicted as I'm a recovering alcoholic so I basically have trashed my insides so badly. My acid reflux is under control at the moment - with PPIs at first and dietary changes, and now with diet and v. occasional meds. Herbal teas and I have a love/hate relationship (I miss coffee so much!) It's definitely worse when my anxiety is bad, though the stupid acid reflux makes me anxious, and so it goes on....

It's horrible I know. I hope you've been able to get a bit of sleep in spite of it.

05-08-17, 23:05
Never in my life, before my worst anxiety event ever in 2014, did I have acid reflux. I barely even had heart burn before that. But when my anxiety got bad, I developed GERD. It was so bad, I went into the ER once. I had no idea what was going on. They gave me omezaprole and that helped, and of course I changed my diet, but the only thing that worked long term was to reduce my anxiety. Now that my anxiety is under control, I don't have GERD/acid reflux anymore.