View Full Version : Knowledge is Power.....or is it!!??

24-05-07, 19:49
Hi Everyone

It has been recommended that I read up as much as I can on panic attacks and what happens to the body when a panic attack happens i.e all the physical symptoms I have such as sweating, shaking, rapid heart beat etc.

The idea seems to be that if I can realise that a panic attack won't harm me then I will be ok.

The problem is that no matter how much I understand the logic of what I am reading and that panic can't harm me it doesn't seem to make things any easier. I am still avoiding things that I know will set me off and it's all getting very disheartening.

Does anyone have any advice as I seem to be in a bit of a rut or maybe it will take time and I'm being too impatient!


24-05-07, 20:38
You need to do cbt exercises to gradually change the way you think and react. It won't happen overnight but if you work at countering your thoughts in a tea form every day you will begin to eliminate the thinking errors and thoughts that follow which cause anxiety and their symptoms. Try and join a cbt group or read cbt books like the one we used for beginners in my group by sam obitz called Been there, done that? Do This!. It about the author who struggled with anxiety, panic and depression, it's his story of overcoming it with cognitive training which was very encouraging. It teaches you how to stop worrying about the 'what ifs' etc by catching your thinking errors that cause attacks and replacing those thoughts with more accurate and less upseting thoughts. Good luck and be patient with yourself, any progress beats the alternative:)

03-06-07, 06:11
I still maintain at times "Ignorance is Bliss".

BUT I am trying to cut down on my *google* time soooo....

03-06-07, 09:47
funny u mention this cos when i was first diagnosed by a doctor as having panic attacks, i wish id never been told. It all got worse after that , my mind started doing overtime.

03-06-07, 17:05
It took me forever to realize that positive thoughts and a positive way of thinking really does work, I'm so used to thinking negatively about what will happen.

I think the main thing for me is to know that when I'm actually going through the surges of anxiety and adrenaline and my heart is going a trillion beats per minute, is to consantly reassure myself that 'it can't hurt me'. I've been through enough of those certainly, that I realize now that I'm still here and they actually haven't hurt me. It's a very uncomfortable feeling, for sure, but it'll pass. I noticed how quickly the feelings of panic pass after the first surge of adrenaline. I suppose this whole thing can be best summed up as going with the feeling of anxiety no matter how uncomfortable it is--says so in the Anxiety and Phobia workbook I bought. :D

Actually after reading all of that I felt much better about PAs, because I knew that I was going to be okay and it wasn't something terribly wrong with me that no one could ever fix.

04-06-07, 03:38
Hi Lexxie. I could have written the very words you wrote in your post. Over the past 20 years I have read every book about panic attacks and tried numerous alternative therapies.

Sometimes you will read in a book about the symptoms of panic attacks and might see some symptoms that you don't have.
And you know what? Then those new symptoms are in your mind and your panic attacks are worse than ever.
I think the most important thing to know is that panic attacks can't harm you, you will not lose control and go 'mad' and nobody else can see that you are having an attack.

Take care


04-06-07, 16:06
I think knowledge IS power.

I found out more about palpitations and causes on this site and in a couple of books I've borrowed from the library. They really do reassure me. I now tend to think "oh look, its my silly mind trying to trick me into panicking by having a palpitation". Doesnt mean I don't think about it. Or look out for more symptoms. But now I feel they are less likely and I know its just a quick burst of adrenaline. My worrying about it getting worse would make it worse by creating more adrenaline etc...

I am impatient too and I have said when will I be better. But I think partly its coping with anxiety and trying hard to not let it take over. Its still there for me and I do get anxious, but I do stuff too. I just drove to Cornwall with my daughter, 400 mile round trip to collect a kitten from my friends house. Probably not a good demonstration of my sanity(!) but an achievement anyway. :winks:

Anxiety is a habit your body gets into and it takes weeks of practising (which is what CBT is all about I guess), so your body can re-learn the sensible reaction. It doesnt mean it all goes away, but it does mean you will be more in control and that there is hope!!!:flowers:

04-06-07, 19:25
Hi Lexxie,

I have found knowing what is happening to you helps but the real knowledge is what ever technique you use to combat anxiety and panic.Finding what works for you matters more than knowing whats happening to your body.

Use whatever works.


05-06-07, 16:08
Hi All

Thanks so much for replying.

cece.....I've read much about the Sam Obitz book from you guys on the other side of the pond. I've tried getting hold of it but it's proving difficult. Any ideas? I understand what you say about changing my thinking errors....still working on it!

tnt808....ignorance surely is bliss! I never ever ever google cos I know exactly what will happen to my head!!

Mirry ....you have hit the nail on the head here! I've read about symptoms I haven't ever before had and wait for it......I am walking around scanning my body for any of these new symptoms. I't certainly made my mind work overtime.

Gryphoenix ...yep I understand what you mean. I think my negative thinking is just a terrible habit that I've got used to and now I am working to try to change it.

Eibhlin70.....I'm glad I'm not the only one Eibs, thanks for that.

Insomniac.....Well done on that trip to Cornwall, onwards and upwards eh? When you say it takes weeks of practising, how long did it take you to see some difference ?

Prism....well said hun....I think I'm still in the process of finding what works for me.

Thanks again..


14-07-07, 00:13
Hi Lexxie,

I have found knowing what is happening to you helps but the real knowledge is what ever technique you use to combat anxiety and panic.Finding what works for you matters more than knowing whats happening to your body.

Use whatever works.


Really good advice:yesyes:

14-07-07, 00:17
Hi All

Thanks so much for replying.

cece.....I've read much about the Sam Obitz book from you guys on the other side of the pond. I've tried getting hold of it but it's proving difficult. Any ideas? I understand what you say about changing my thinking errors....still working on it!


Sorry I did not reply sooner but I have not been receiving any reply notifications? Did you try ordering through the website for the book? www.tao3.com (http://www.tao3.com) I hope you have found other cognitive training resources that have helped you change your thinking errors:hugs:

28-10-07, 01:53
Hi Lexxie have you been able to try cognitive training yet? How are you doing?

28-10-07, 12:43
Hi :D

I think Knowledge is power, but what to learn and at what stage to learn it, can be dame hard,we are all different, I think we need to have the knowledge to know yourself, Knowledge to know that things take time, Kowledge to be patiant with ourselves, knowledge not to beat ourselves up all the time, knowlege on just how powerfull our minds are, to know, if it can get us into this mess it can allso get us out of it, wiith the right support and time. Knowlege means to me, that if I don't believe I can get better I am undermining everthing I am trying to learn.

Knowledge to me is, Knowing how my mind is being programmed all day every day and only I can say if that programming is positive or negative.

Knowledge to me, is knowing I can get better ( I am better) reading as many stories as I can on people who have got better, this gave me hope, becasue I do believe that when I was acute, if I did not have hope, I had nothing.

Kowlegde to me means, knowing that when we are acute, is to remember that Mr panic, Mrs anxiety can only survive on our fears, if we can learn not to fear panic, the panic will fade.

Knowledge to me means, to learn what stresses me out, to try dame hard to learn how to destress myself, to learn to change my thoughts pattens on whats stresses me out.

Ohhh boy, woffled on here LOL I could write more, LOL

Knowledge can mean, many, many different things, I think, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.


27-01-08, 20:08
Jill that's a wonderful post! I hope you are continuing to do well. Other than some minor health problems I am continuing to feel very good:)

08-02-08, 14:26
Hi Cece,

I have just being looking through my CP and seen your reply, thank you for your kinds words, it was so nice of you.

Its great to hear you are doing well. I am continuing to do well myself, but feel I still have alot to learn about myself. I think I may be going through the change, my body is doing funny things and my mind is too LOL but this is part of what women have to go through, so will take it one month at a time and see what happens.




11-02-08, 00:51
Jill I am so glad to hear you are doing well:D. I have a lot to learn myself and I am trying to take everything as it comes and knowing I can deal with whatever comes is a big help to me now. Take care and please do keep in ttouch and let me know how you are doing from time to time:yesyes:

Hugs to you:flowers:

24-08-08, 02:12
I'm glad you are doing great cece <3 Keep up the positiveness :D

For Sillouette, I think knowledge is power...simply because if you know what it is, and you know how to stop it, you can stop it with the right state of mind. I've been doing well ever since I've joined this site because of the knowlege and support it has given me.

Jessica "Gnome"

01-10-08, 02:50
Thanks Jessica:hugs::hugs:
Why the Gnome???

18-01-09, 01:16
Happy New Year Jill and Jessica. I hope you both are feeling great!

18-01-09, 11:43
Understanding how panic works is a vital part of recovery, in my opinion.

But just knowing the mechanics of the thing won't make you better, you have to (gradually) place yourself in the situations which make you uncomfortable, and change the way you think about them.

Knowing what causes the physical symptoms of panic, and knowing that what ever happens, those symptoms can't harm you is a useful tool to give you the confidence to face those situations.

22-01-09, 01:23
Great points Meltdown. I completely agree:D