View Full Version : Aura migraine with only slight headache???

nic x
06-08-17, 11:33
Hi all. Iv been a member here a long time and cracked the anxiety and panic attacks ( still suffer but not at all like i did ) recently iv been having auras. A lot of them sometimes 3 a day! Does any one else suffer these? And what do you take for them? Im very worried about it 😢😢

06-08-17, 16:29
Hi Strangely I had one yesterday.
I had one about My first was about 18months ago. Out of the blue it was like looking through a prism out of the corner of my eyes. It lasted about 5 mins. I had another yesterday. Just my right eye. It lasted a minute or two. no pain. My sister in is an optician. She gets them too but nothing to worry about

06-08-17, 16:30
I've had a couple of these and had no headache at all with them. I had flashing lights and I lost most of the vision in one eye. It was very scary first time it happened.

06-08-17, 17:47
I have had migraines all my life (really terrible ones) but only started getting Auras as an adult. Most of the time a real migraine headache doesn't follow, but sometimes I get a little headache. I have only had a real stinking migraine once after aura. I don't know what you can take for them but I normally just ride them out, they last about 20 mins!

06-08-17, 18:54
I get 'atypical migraines' I get aura and no headache about 50% of the time. It SUCKS.

nic x
06-08-17, 20:53
Thank yous. Had another this afternoon lasting 40 mins. Not sure if im that anxious about them there happening more ( if thats even possible ). My minds in overdrive about them at moment.

06-08-17, 21:04
They are ocular migraines. I got them during perimenopause. Scared the begeebers out of me the first time.

I haven't had one now for quite awhile that goodness. I really feel mine were a hormonal thing.

Could yours be too ?

nic x
13-08-17, 22:05
Im currently keeping a diary to see if theres any links. Been to see doc had bloods done just waiting on results.

14-08-17, 17:40
Last week, out of the blue, I had a weird thing happen. The sight in my right eye went wavy and my eyeball felt as though it was spasming/following the waves. It only lasted about 10-15 seconds followed by a hot/cold sweat, which I think was because of the panic that set in. After about 5 more minutes I got a tension type headache and tiredness. The headache lasted about 2 days. Since then my health anxiety has gone into overdrive thinking I've had a mini stroke. Never had this before but hubby said it was probably migraine. Now I'm constantly checking for weird head sensations and cannot concentrate on anything else. Does this sound like what you have all experienced too? Im 44 and have such bad health anxiety that the thought of going to the optician or GP sends me into panic. I'm terrified of it happening again.