View Full Version : So I went to the optician...

06-08-17, 15:03
Friday night I had a weird black shadow in my vision but it went away and didn't even last a minute, hours later I had some pain in my eye. So Saturday I called around and finally found a place that wasn't fully booked to get my eyes examined to be on the safe side.

Everything looked fine but during the examination these vacuole bubble things were detected in the lenses of both my eyes.

The optician was really surprised and apparently damage like that is common in people in their 60's and abnormal and not at all common for someone who is 31. There is no family history of eye problems, I'm short sighted and wear glasses. I have to say that there was abuse toward me from my father, I have vague recollections of him getting me to stare at the sun or towards it when I was very young. I feel so guilt ridden that I didn't know any better and now I'm paying the price for being a stupid child.

Cue a talk about cataracts and that I'll need to be monitored yearly to see how the damage is progressing and about operations that can correct cataracts.

It scared me shitless then I started thinking, well if I have that sort of damage, what are my chances of getting something like macular degeneration and losing my sight?

Does anyone else have something like this? I'm going to be scheduling another appointment with my regular optician and ask all my questions regarding this concern and fear but if anyone can respond and give me a bit of emotional support that would be so helpful until I can get an appointment.

I am the type of person that tries to keep active to keep healthy and I eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Currently I'm looking into getting prescription sunglasses and going to have a look at vitamins that support eye health to be proactive about keeping things as healthy as possible.

06-08-17, 15:07
Sometimes as we get older we get shadow like things in our vision these are called "floaters" and they're very common as we get older. I'm 24, and the floater tends to be more noticible if I'm outside or in flourecent light. I wouldn't worry too much about it. But if it's a cause of concern for you there's no harm in going to the eye doctor :)

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06-08-17, 15:16
Thank you for your reply :) in regards to the shadow we never found what it was. It was the vacuole bubble things that she told me about that has me worried!

Pea Tear Griffin
11-08-17, 19:44
You never put lasers in your eyes as a kid did you?