View Full Version : Where can I find good CBT online? Has anyone had success using online information?

06-08-17, 15:53
Does anyone know of any good cbt courses or information online.
This HA is destroying my life now and all I want is my life back so I can enjoy it with my children before it's too late.
I just googled CBT for Health Anxiety but there's so much there I don't know where to begin.

And also, how important is diet and exercise in the recovery process? When I'm in a HA spiral (which is most of the time) I can barely function, never mind do exercise or go to the trouble of cooking healthy meals. How do you overcome this?

06-08-17, 16:21
Diet and exercise or not curative of anxiety, and it's wrong for people to try and claim otherwise. People who don't understand this condition think all you need to do is have a nice salad now and then and go for a run and everything will be fine.

However, diet and exercise should certainly be given a role in your recovery if you can manage it. The fact is, a healthier diet leads to a healthier body, and the body is not really separate from the mind as we tend to believe. Similarly, exercise is proven to boost mood, and I can vouch for it myself. Some people report feeling worse at first when they exercise, but once your body and mind adapt to the change, it can make you feel much more positive, and this can have an impact on your state of mind. If you aren't used to exercise, it's good to see your doctor first, just see how best to get started. Don't take too much on at once.

As for CBT, I personally would have struggled to get myself going without regular face-to-face sessions. But not everybody needs this. It really comes down to you. If you stick with, even when it feels like it might not be helping, and you really go at with some determination, it can be very useful indeed.

06-08-17, 17:16
Online CBT (CCBT) is seen as as effective as face-to-face CBT but only where the course is supported by someone. The courses out there without support are not backed by evidence, although they are still CBT so can help/work. That's the view of NICE and the NHS hence why CCBT sits on our treatment stepped care model.

Some are costly. Some cost little. Some are free. The one on here is pretty cheap but I don't know if it is supported so that's worth asking.

A supported one I do know of is Panic Center based out of Canada. There is a small forum too but it's very small compared to here.

If you just want non supported online resources, like a book, then you could try free workbooks like the ones from CCI:


Just look at the CCI modules towards the bottom which are catagorised by disorder type.