View Full Version : sudden buzzing in head with intense dizziness

06-08-17, 17:16
Just wondering if this is worth seeing a doctor about.

I was reading on my phone earlier today, and suddenly I felt extremely strange - my head felt like it was 'buzzing' , and as if in a vice type grip, and I was incredibly dizzy. My face began to tingle and went numb and I felt like i was about to lose consciousness. The intense feeling passed after around 15 seconds. my heart was pounding.

It was really scary. I had felt dizzy earlier in the day and still feel dizzy and spaced out now, but haven't had a recurrence of the buzzing sensation since.

I do get dizzy often but put it down to my migraines and anxiety.

there is a history of stroke in my family.

I dont smoke and i am not overweight and i dont drink alcohol, and I had eaten well.

I'm not sure what to do ?

06-08-17, 22:35
Hi Carrie,

I've had some scary moments like that, which obviously sent me in to panic.
I normally run through a series of checks. Can I lift my arms up above my head?
Can I breathe deeply in a and out with no discomfort? Is my body a normal heat? Can I put a sentence together easily?
But, sometimes some reassurance by chatting to someone on 111 may be what you need to reassure you and a visit to see your GP.
I can say that I do get the tingling face on one side from time to time and the numbness and funny sensations in the head amongst other things.
You know what it's like. You can't keep running to the Docs every time you get a symptom, but you will somehow know if it is serious enough to get it checked out. x

06-08-17, 22:54
Do you get low BP, Carrie? Used to happen to me too - felt like I was being pulled to the ground. Used to get palps with it as well. GP said it was postural hypotension.

Now it generally happens when I get migraines which are mainly ocular and last a couple of hours.

More likely to be something benign than a stroke, but as Carnation says, you can perform simple tests on yourself, and if in doubt, call for advice/help or make an appointment with your GP.

07-08-17, 11:16
Thank you Carnation and KK.

Glad i'm not the only one!

I'm trying to think what could have caused it and this lingering 'heavy head' feeling I have today.
I'm used to feeling dizzy, but this was almost like a funny turn, and i've felt more wobbly than normal since. I'm worried about it happening again which makes me more anxious!

I normally go to the gym on a monday and i'm scared of doing that today.

I used to have low BP but in recent months it has been ever so slightly high due to stress.

I could speak when it was happening but i did feel like i was about to pass out. I haven't had a problem with my co-ordination.

I'm wondering if it was vertigo or connected to m migraines. I am due to make a Dr appointment for a medication review so I will tie it in to that if it continues.

Thanks again xx