View Full Version : Eurotunnel / Panic / Diazepam

06-08-17, 19:40
I've experienced panic attacks and generalised anxiety for the last 15yrs and have totally avoided public transport and planes.

However I'm due to go on my first non-UK holiday tomorrow and will be travelling through the Eurotunnel in my car.

I thought I was kind of OK with the journey (lots of mindfulness and relaxation over the last year has helped bring my base level of anxiety down) until this week, when I realised I probably wouldn't be able to cope with the intense levels of claustrophobia I'd experience in the tunnel.

I went to the doctor who gave me 5mg Diazepam to take for the journey. He suggested I take 2 as I explained I'd ideally be unconscious for the duration of the train journey (don't worry, I'm not driving...). I've tried the tablets in advance to rule out any adverse reaction, and they did make me feel sleepy, although I couldn't tell if they had any impact on anxiety as I wasn't in a stressful situation.

I intend to dose up with 10mg around 2hrs before the journey, and if I'm still awake when we're 15mins away from boarding to take another 5mg. As things are I can't see myself getting on the train if I'm awake- I just can't believe that the drugs will have that much of a calming effect that I'll be able to go ahead with the journey.

My main concern is waking up on the train and panicking - as in lose my mind, rip the doors off the train panic.

Has anyone been through anything similar (a flight or any other situation that would rank as your worst anxiety nightmare) where Diazepam surprised them with how effective it was? Everyone online says it makes them relaxed, but like I said I just can't believe it will get me through my worst nightmare.


up a ladder
06-08-17, 21:09
I know where you are coming from. For me, it is planes. I have travelled on the ET a few times and for me, because I am in my car and generally not in public view (that makes it far worse for me) was panik free. Is the anxiety anticipatory or the actual event? I tend to worry more before the event rather than at the time.
Anyway, the pills. For me, a huge help and the dose you have been advised are quite high. My GP gives me a strip of 14 2mg and I have to take at least 3 before I really feel the effect. I know you have said you have tried it out, but how much? 10mg for me before the event would seem high. That would send me to sleep rather than take the edge off.
I would (for me) take 5mg 2hrs before, see how you feel in 15mins. If you need another, take it, if not take it before you load up the car.
In my case they always help and make it possible for me to fly (short haul)
Best of luck and enjoy the holiday.

06-08-17, 23:36
Hard to tell, but hoping it's just anticipatory!

I'd specifically told my GP I thought being uncoscious was the only way I could see myself getting in the train, so maybe that's why he's suggested the high dose. I'll have a think about exactly when to take them in the run up to the train departure.

Glad to hear they were a huge help for you, that seems to be the general consensus online so I'm hoping they have the same calming effect on me.

Thanks for the reply

10-08-17, 17:24
So, how did it go? Keep us updated about your experiences :)

10-08-17, 20:03
You are only in the tunnel for about 25 mins....you will be fine.