View Full Version : Body itching getting worse

07-08-17, 01:31
Has anyone had anxiety/stress manifesting as body itching? What helped and how long did it take to resolve?

Mine started about a week ago, and has been steadily increasing. I will wake up at night scratching for a few mins, then fall back to sleep. I took an antihistamine today, but that just takes the edge off the itching. It's still there. I'll scratch an area only for the itch to start somewhere else on my body.

Trying not to freak out. Of course Dr. Google says it's liver or kidney disease/cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, etc. Trouble with those is I have no other symptoms. No pain, no fatigue, no fever or sweating, no chills, nothing but awful itching. I haven't changed soaps or anything like that.

08-08-17, 09:18
Anxiety can and does cause many many symptoms. I personally have never had itching caused by anxiety but it's not to say other people haven't.

People can develope allergies over night. You can suddenly become sensitive or allergic to something you never were before. It happened to me with Gain laundry soap. Many Dr visits and 100s of dollars it took to figure out the whole time it was a laundry soap that never gave me issues before. Sometimes they add an ingredient or change them. Maybe try a free and clear laundry soap and see if it helps. If the only symptom you have is itching I doubt it's serious but you can always make a Drs appt to get checked over..

09-08-17, 17:12
I itch all over with anxiety and can even wake my self from sleep to itch .. our minds are amazing things.