View Full Version : Bizarre face and head pressure - anyone had this?!?!?!

25-05-07, 00:35
So for the last couple of weeks or so I've been getting pressure in my face when bending over or sometimes even just leaning my head forward. Sometimes it seems to come on without me even moving my head - can be pressure around the sinuses, the jaw, the forehead.

But also getting slight facial and head aches as well. All over my head in different parts. A lot of it seems focused around my sinuse area but all over my head too. Not bad but annoying - and only really annoying cause I'm worried about it (relate?!) Can be patches on both sides of my head, can be small strips of aching anywhere. Sometimes even a small dot!

I have high blood pressure and in the last couple of weeks have been incredibly anxious about my BP (been sent for a few tests in dealing with lifelong heart thing - nothing out of the ordinary but I have somehow developed extreme anxiety about it). Finding it hard to think about anything else even though I have no reason to think anything's particularly wrong.

Ended up in A&E the other night with a squeezing feeling down my right arm. Turned out to be nothing but somebody from the 'stroke unit' came to talk to me (that's enough to make anyone anxious!). Spoke to him of these headaches and he said it was uncontrolled high blood pressure. This does not ring true to me as I've never had these face pressure and aches before and my BP has been signifigantly higher!

Spoke to my GP and he said that he's never seen anyone with high BP who had this symptom. He thinks, or rather by default assumes, its anxiety. But these don't sound like classic tension headaches to me.

Could this just be anxiety? Sinuses? Anyone had these symptoms? Would love to hear about it if so!



25-05-07, 09:48

I have suffered with facial and head pressure for years. I have it today as if someone is sitting on my cheekbones. It is also at the back of my head at the base of my skull. Really uncomfortable. I know what you mean about small places of ache as well. I dont get it so often now but i used to get smallplaces on my forehead that hurt, the onlt thing that helped was if i applied pressure on them with my fingers.

When i get head pressure my eyes and ears go weird as well. my eyes blur and light seems so bright and my ears ring and fell full.

I also have high blood pressure but when it was lower, when i was on beta blockers, the head and face pressure was worse than ever. So i dont think it could be high bloodpressure. Infact i blamed the beta blockers and stopped taking them. But i still get head pressure , just not as bad.

Im not sure what it is, maybe it is just a bizarre symptom of anxiety. I t is horrible though and makes me feel really dizzy!

love josephine.x

25-05-07, 10:21
The facial pain/pressure is my main symptom of anxiety, but sometimes I don't beleive it's that, I convince myself there is something seriously wrong with my head or brain.
Every time I go to the docs about it they take my BP and it is fine, so I think it is just a symptom oof anxiety. My counsellor says its also to do with clenching the jaw (probably when sleeping or subconsciously) and your teeth push up to your cheekbones and nose bones and then they push on your temples or forehead.
Don't worry!!

Jo x

25-05-07, 11:26
I can totally relate to the pain/pressures you are getting and I don't have high BP.
For a long while I thought it was a tumour and worrid myself silly. I picked up on every slight tingle, pain, twinge etc etc.

Visited the Dr on various occasions and was told that a headache is very difficult to treat as there are so many underlying problems but most are just either migranes or tension.

Try and relax and don't think about it.


26-05-07, 16:42
Thank you all for your replies. Helps a lot!!!

Gratitude, ECR

11-06-07, 19:33
I'm now into my second year of this....most of last summer and autumn seemed to involve going for tests and running back and forth to the Doctors convinced I must have something horrific and that my brain must be involved etc etc.

I have ear fizziness, pressure pains in my head (esp when leaning over), pains down the left side of my neck, occasional tingling at the back of my head.

And the funny thing is it started up last summer in about May/June....this year it's come back at the same time. So I'm guessing allergy related/sinus problems....?