View Full Version : introducing myself

25-05-07, 16:37
hi everyone so glad i found this site. i am 28 years old and a mother of one. i was first diagnosed with depression and ocd at 15. i lost the ocd and gained panic attacks. i first started having panic attacks about 2 years ago and have done an eighteen week cbt course, which helped in the short term but the attacks have come back with a vengance. i don't know much about computers(i know at my age!) so i probably won't be posting a picture any time soon. i have found some brilliant info on here already and hope to learn more and to help and support others if poss.:blush: :wacko: i look forward to talking with you all and will try send pic asap

25-05-07, 16:41
Hi Ms K.

Welcome to NMP. As you have already noticed, the Forums and Help Pages are FULL of great info and support.

I'm sure you will meet lots of great people on here.

Kind Regards


25-05-07, 16:55
thanks ross it's good to meet people in the same situation, can't believe there are so many of us! thanks to everyone for their advice and support it's been invaluable in the short time i have been using this site.
good luck to everyone using this site and if i can be of any support or assistance to others i will strive to do my best.:blush: :winks:

25-05-07, 17:00
Hi Ms.k

Welcome, I am sure you will find this place a positive help :)



25-05-07, 17:00
Hi and :welcome: You will get ots of advise and support here.:yesyes:

25-05-07, 17:01
Hi there ms.k, :welcome:to you!

Pleased to meet you !

Lots of help and support for you here - and ample opportunity for you to give it too!


25-05-07, 17:04

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

25-05-07, 17:09
thanks everyone for being so welcoming, just talking to like minded people makes such a difference, hope to learn more about you all and look forward to talking with you.

funky chick
25-05-07, 17:23
Hi And welcome Ms lots of kind caing people on here im sure you will find hope to catch up with you soon take care love Gail xxxxx:hugs:

25-05-07, 17:47
Very big welcome! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

25-05-07, 21:14
Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Glad you are finding it of some help already.

25-05-07, 22:11
Hi And Big Warm Welcome

Love Sandy Xxx

Pink Princess
26-05-07, 01:20
hey ms k, been talking in chat. good to meet you and hope you are finding it helpful here. keep chin up and talk soon xxxxxx big welcome xxxxxxxx

26-05-07, 13:06

A big warm welcome to you. xx

27-05-07, 04:22
Hi Ms. K,

A friendly welcome to the site. Isn't it great to know you aren't alone? You will find many who feel just the way you do. You will also find help here.

Laura :)