View Full Version : Im back...again!!!

25-05-07, 21:10
Hi guys,long time no see...
Ive been ok for quite some time,well for a couple of months anyway,finally felt as if i was getting somewhere with the p a's and anxiety,thought there was light at the end of the tunnel...
Anyway to cut a long story short,a couple of weeks ago i got a sore throat and its gradually developed into a full blown virus(or so the doc says).Ive now got sore throat,splitting head,upset stomach,dizzy,loss of appetite,generally feel s**t.
Ive also been getting this sensation in my head thats absolutely horrible,the only way i can describe it is like surges in my head like electric shocks.They make me feel so dizzy and off balance and although theyre not that painful they kind of make me jump and now ive got them all the time,theyre horrible...:weep:
So because ive got all the symptoms above im worrying constantly which is making the virus harder to shake off and now the panic and anxiety are back with a vengance which makes me feel worse.
Ive read before on the forum about these head zaps and never worried about them because they didnt affect me,but why after 15 yrs of pa's am i only just getting them? Is there anything i can do to relieve them ?
I feel that the horrible viral symptoms ive got are so similiar to anxiety and panic symptoms and thats whats started me off again.

Any advice would be appreciated,im sooo fed up again:weep: :weep: :weep:

Love to you all,Candie xxxx

25-05-07, 23:00
Hi Candie
I hav'nt been on this site long but i think its fantastic for people like you and me eh??
I've started having anxiety/panic attacks again after many years without them.
I had a chest infection a while back and felt very ill and run down - it was just before that i had a massive panic attack whilst driving and i experienced the same as you - like a fuzzy, electric shock in my head, dizzy, felt sick and was also hyperventilating. It was so scary, i had to stop and call hubby to come and get me. I've been off work for a week now, just could'nt cope with it. However much I tell myself that all the symptoms i get are caused by anxiety/panic attacks, theres always that little voice that says "but what if ?". I get so angry with myself, dont you ??
I had a load of blood tests last week and have to go for the results on T uesday - I'm hoping they are ok, or if not, the doc can give me something to feel better - like you I feel pretty s**t too.
Hope you feel better soon


25-05-07, 23:21
http://www.yourcoolprofile.com/Images/Hugs_And_Kisses/images/hugs-kisses--10.gif For you,hope you feel better soon.:hugs:

26-05-07, 21:59
Judipat and ellen,thanks for taking the time to reply,it means such a lot and ellen the hug was just what i needed!!!

Lots of love,Candie xxx