View Full Version : health

25-05-07, 21:44
I was wondering if anyone else wished they were ill. I mean my dad has cancer and i have spent years wishing it was me. His lumps have got smaller and i hope they have gone into me because my mum needs my dad.
Does that make sence???
Please me honest.

geordie flower
25-05-07, 22:15
hiya, i know wat yor going thru, my mam had breat cancer 5 years ago and had a mascectomy, thakfully she is ok now. Yor mam also needs you though so u shouldnt wish it upon yorself, glad to hear yor dads recovering, take care tracey x:)

26-05-07, 02:44
kinda my pure o makes my head constantly say i wish i had a heart attack ever since my dad died from it a year ago god its horrable