View Full Version : the b*****ds back!

15-11-04, 18:37
it's back-surprise surprise!
i really thought that i was gettin betta...and then suddenly i was havin counselling last wk and the dizziness came bck really suddenly and intensely 4 no reason. the last few days ive been gettin so dizzy i cant walk straight and keep walking in 2 things and falling off chairs etc! not fun...its like vertigo, its seems like evrything is moving/falling away and i hav 2 hold on 2 things 2 steady myself. it doesnt go away...its here 24/7 and i ****in hate it! it makes me so panicky that all the otha symptoms come bck as well. i just need sum re-assurance that this level of dizziness is normal coz most of the time its hard 2 get off the sofa, let alone try 2 sit on a chair in lessons all day wivout falling ova!
really dont wanna slip bck in 2 the way i was a few wks bck...but this is how it all started and im worried the whole cycle's starting again
xpx :-(

15-11-04, 18:43

This is a very usual pattern .

You get a while when your symptoms start to subside and you're thrilled you're improving and then they return - often when you least expect them to.

Perhaps the counselling triggered something that made you edgy or emotional anf that was enough to set off the chemical reaction of adrenalin .
Once we feel dizzy we often perpetuate it by continuing to be reactionary to the feelings and sensations keeping them alive .

Exercise and a good relaxation CD will help, as well as immersing yourself into a task what takes your whole attention.

You will be able to get over it faster this as you understand the process.

You are not going back to square 1 ..


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

15-11-04, 19:21
hello there,

We all get times when we feel like you are describing. Don't worry about it - it will pass as sudden as it came. Try to stay positive and you will soon be feeling better!!

Sarah :D

15-11-04, 22:11
Hi hon

We all get blips and this is one of those times, a reminder of where we were but been where you were you probably know yourself you would do anything not to go there and you wont.

After experiencing anxiety you recognise the symptoms so much earlier the second time round and take action before we go back again.

Just remember been there once and im not going to let myself go back there again.

Easier said than done but you have got through it once and you will again.

Love Sal xxxxx

15-11-04, 23:43

Masked a few letters out from your topic - sorry but some people take offence at words.

You are very angry and some of that needs to be channelled into the panic etc. That will serve you well.

The dizziness can go on for months and months I am afraid to say. Exercise will help though.


17-11-04, 22:28
Hiya hun

I'm afraid Sal is right, we do get these blips from time to time but it doesn't mean they're going to last - try not to get too down, you will get through this :D

Love Jo xxx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"