View Full Version : Symptoms PLease? DO YOU HAVE THESE?

26-05-07, 21:37
Thundering pulse.. most of the 24 hour day ....not just on exhursion and especially when lying in one position or neck in some particular position.

Sore throat..feels like there is a knot in your throat and your ears are hurting deep within them and your neck hurting constantly in the back of your head or on the sides.

eyes burning so bad that you feel you cant see..

upon waking you feel that you arent sure you are real or the light blinds you

Feet feel full of blood when you first get up

Your chest feels as though it aches.

You do a little work and you are breathing so hard that you can't catch your breath..yet later you have no problems with that.

You often wonder why your heart beats normal at rest and your breathing fine and then you get up and your heart beats hard but not fast and being as you can hear it you hear the missed beats yet five minutes later or 30 minutes later they subside because you ate dinner

Your legs cramp and look purplish or kind of blue and you push in on them and they turn white but ten minutes later you look at them again and they are pink but have veins running in them you never noticed..

You feel sick when you dont get at least 8 hours sleep when you used to survive on three hours a night

You sleep till 1 pm and then at 2am you are dying ,just feel that you have to go to sleep or you get dizzy and disoreinted....

Your chest aches up under your breast bone yet your heart rate and everything seems to be ok..your chest has random sharp pains in odd places..

Your jaw hurts and moves into your head yet to turn on another side when lying down and it quits..

You get chills although you have no fever while under a blanket..

Your hands and arms get weak and you just feel that you have all the strength taken out of you yet five minutes later you get up and do something that amazes you.

You have a healthy sex apetite for months and then all of a sudden you just feel to bad to want to bother..yet your mind tells you that you do..

You get strange sensations all over your body as if there was something tingling here and there yet the blood is flowing and there is no numbness

You cant seem to gain weight no matter what you eat and how much..

You sleep in a spoon position same one you have slept in for years and you wake and your arm is always numb..or your fingers are numb when you type..

You get out of breath talking but then hours later you are doing something strenous and not even getting winded...

Your heart misses beats for hours and no matter how relaxed you are it keeps missing one here or there...you ignore it and the next day it beats regular..

Your heart rate is normally 76 to 81 and at night while relaxing its still this fast yet other nights you check it random and its beating 62 .

Your hands or feet get cold for no reason and its sunshining outside yet your face is sweating..

Sometimes you feel like you can never get full other times when you havent eaten in a long time you still arent hungry ..

At rest sometimes it feels as if your breathing isnt correct yet you breathe perfectly normal and are able to talk comfortably..

Most of all the thundering pulse.. you hear your breathing in your head and your swallowing and your neck popping and your head cracking and your pulse loud as a bass drum pounding and the next minute its gone for an hour only to return at rest..

The next time you hear it all day and then at rest it disappears..

My blood pressure is fine..my heart and lungs are suppose to be fine.There isnt anything that could cause me to feel this bad..phsycially ..

Could I be possible manic depressive one moment feeling great the next you can't pull your head up because of saddness..?Or could it be the symptoms are real and you are so depressed because you feel you are going to die anyway...and it depresses you and you just keep getting pushed further and furtherd down feeling like you know you are dying and there is nothing no one can do..

Please tell me all that reads this please tell me that it means nothing..
I need that so much today ..I have been giving my life 1000 percent through every situtation.IM not stuck at home nor confined to the bed as I self emposed myself to months ago.Im active and doing things I never have done..but I feel that its not helping only making things worse..

Could it just be im noticing too much? how do you destroy immagination?
My whole life has been based on dreaming and thinking ..how do you shut it off.. I dont want to take anything more than I used to and my therapist says i have to work it out for myself.. So where do I go from here..?

26-05-07, 22:44
Could it just be im noticing too much? how do you destroy immagination?
My whole life has been based on dreaming and thinking ..how do you shut it off.. I dont want to take anything more than I used to and my therapist says i have to work it out for myself.. So where do I go from here..?

Hello Michael

I can honestly say I don't have all the symptoms you describe, apart from a tight chest now and again and this:
"upon waking you feel that you arent sure you are real or the light blinds you " and that I too have lost weight lately (not a considerable amount just a few pounds) without trying or even wanting to.

So I hope I'm not replying to your post under false pretences.

But the part about your imagination I can relate to.

The imagination we both seem to share can be a blessing or a curse - we do not have the luxury of it being neutral. There have been times in my life when it has been beneficial, but equally there have been times when I'd rather have not had an imagination at all.

I can't say this is all your imagination, just as I can't say it isn't. All I can say is I feel for you and want you to know that you are not alone. To try and turn it off would, I think, be counterproductive and probably impossible anyway. How bland and boring life would be without an imagination!! But I think we have to work towards some kind of 'control' over it so that we don't put ourselves in a position where we are slaves to it.

Please don't try and destroy your wonderful imagination Michael, make it work for you. You're already taking steps by posting here so hopefully the heaviness of sadness may be relieved by your sharing with us so that we may support you.

Peace to you, friend


miss motown
26-05-07, 23:15
well i just want to say with all honesty that you well could be talkin about me i have all them symptoms but the one thing we dont share is the fact you had the patiance to sit and type it so well were i get to anxious and end up deleting everythink ive wrote so yes id say were very much the same

27-05-07, 00:53
Miss Motown,

I have no patience..or I wouldnt be here typing .Actually nmp is about the only place i feel that i can be myself and type.Something that scared me more than anything this morning was my fingerst trembling and felt as if I could not type anymore..that scared me more than any other of the symptoms...

I thank you for replying and well tell you what...Miss Motown.,type what you feel dont worry about the mistakes we are all here together and all the admits here are very permissive about things and they are very good and kind..They want to help and nobody worries about mistakes..

They worry more about the people that don't type..They have been very wonderful to me and the members too for listening to the ramblings and the scarry thoughts of an old man..

Pour your heart out forget the mistakes and lets all help each other..

God Bless you and take care .Michael

28-05-07, 00:19
i get most of those and other things that aren't on the list...
i have been driving myself mad for the past two hours obsessing about pins and needles in my arm... i don't even know now whther i still have it or my arm just feels weird bcos i'm think about it...
i'm actually got a cold at the moment so that's making me loads worse than normal bcos i keep going cold then really hot and my eye is itchy and i can't breathe properly... i'm bad enough when i have nothing physically wrong with me.
i can definatley relate to what you're feeling...

29-05-07, 13:39
Hi Michael, I don't think any of the feelings you describe are just your imagination. However, that doesn't mean they are harbringers of doom. Judging by the descriptions you make in this and other posts, I think what is happening is that your mind is very highly tuned to physical sensations.

Everything you describe could probably be agreed with by virtually everyone on earth, if they tuned in to their physical body long enough to notice all the sensations. I think this very high sensitivity to normal physical sensations is at least part of what is making you anxious, and of course the body reacts to anxiety in a way that creates more sensations to bother you and it becomes a vicious circle.

Of course this is just my opinion, but if it is true then it might give you some hope for recovery - techniques that help to focus your attention away from your body might be really helpful. I'm not a health professional so I'm not sure what a Doctor would suggest, but my Psychiatrist recommended that I take up a hobby requiring intense concentration outside of myself such as horseriding to deal with my control issues, so maybe the same would go for you? Just an idea.

29-05-07, 21:37
Hi Magpie,

Just a little note to tell you yes you are 50 percent right but being attuned to my surroundings is who I am ..read some of the comments to my other post that people tried to surmise what was going on..

The other 50 percent is this place..The Indians thought it was haunted and some thought it to be holy ground..There are specifics just now coming out that slipping through peoples mouths telling me they felt or feel exactly as I do..

Imagaine stepping into a place that time forgot and people were kept from living in for almost 500 years..Nobody much wanted to live here either so there wasnt a big fight to try to take it over.

Imagine a place at a mile and one half and most of it higher than sea lever where there is a 12 to 15 percent level of oxygen most of the time and you are so close to the sun it litterally broils you at 58 degrees.. there is a high ratio of cadiracs and glacoma here because of it..Its causes blindness to many because they don't protect their eyes.

Normal sea level altitude produces about 30 percent oxygen..Ok thats a few things that are normal here also the wind blows constantly for three months out of the year at say 30 to 80 miles an hour..It snows sometimes six months a year and then we have about 45 days of spring..The pollens here we arent even sure of what grows on the praries and then blows through our house..

Then there is the dust storms..and the humidity being sucked right out of your body where there is a feeling of being sweaty but there is no wetness..this is the feeling of water and clammy feeling all over but no moisture..all normal for this place..Then there is a high rate of weird births here no one knows for sure something about a mineral only found here in this valley that produces genetic weirdness.

You cant set a compass here because they spin and applances burn up very quickly ..20 and 30 years olds cant talk and work at the same time because no oxygen.these are people that are in great shape.. and well there are no over weight people here our metabolism works three times faster even when we sleep..

You say move.. yes that would be wonderful but the amount of money that we have put in this place could never be recouped..and although with all its weirdness and problems and things that go bump in the night. its beautiful and the skys are clear and you can see totally unobstructed views 360 degrees around year round.. and its the first place i have ever lived where you can see the milky way at night with the naked eye.

Also venus mars and mercury and others on a regular basis..So it has its good points to and suppose thats why many stay.. Its odd and no one really knows about its existance ..its like shangra la and there are many that grew up in this place that dont even know how old they are they have lived that many years.

So you say im attuned well that use to be a great thing and then it became a bad thing when i moved here because the locals werent saying anything now that they are making it known they have lived with they symptoms i have for many years as being natural part of the valley then well they accepted it..I suppose I will to and then either become more attuned which could be a great thing becuase there is more than meets the eye here. or I can pack my bags take a loss and head out to where?

There is no home anywhere anymore .New Orleans was the only place in many years i found that comfort at..Its no more.. Its still there and always will be but not the New Orleans that we remember it never will be so .. Ill just have to stick it out..You talk of psyciatrist and drs.. they cant help me.. they have the same issues and dont know what to say but I have to help myself.. roughly translated .. it means you are on your own..

People here dont use them because there is nothing to do but leave this place and most are not going to leave .. they cant afford to for one reason or the other ,but well we will travel again I suppose but not anytime soon..

As for being attuned I am glad that i am in some ways others im not and as far as hobbies.. surely you are kidding me I have thousands of them..its not what a I do that matters its the feelings and the things that affect me no matter what I do.. as time has gone on and people have shared things that happened to them and is happening to them I realize that although I don't understand it im not sure im ever destined to..

At this point the only thing I can do is just try to live with it and accept it and try to get some peace.. There is something I realized last night..Instead of fighting the feeling let them surge with my body accept them and feel them and know that everyone feels the same at that particular moment..Imagine 12000 years ago the aborigines felt the same way and had no surgeons to tell them what was normal or not they had witch doctors that talked of the spirits of this place and the magic.

I have found it better to try not to get so nervous about things i feel here.I have been fighting the thoughts that I would die in this place and become a part of its history but now I am finding that maybe thats my destiny and always will be.. Maybe I am destined to be a part of whatever this place is in spirit form or maybe just as dust who knows..

I am told by people all over the world..friends and people I talk to on a regular basis that I belong here and well . I dont know why they tell me that and sometimes i feel purpose of being here too.. Anyway if you would care to share what my world is like go to videos at yahoo.. and my videos are under finderskeeper24 there..

Some or just our horses and some just the terrain and some just weird silly things ..but you might get a sense of where I am and how things are..Thanks for trying to help and im sure it will get better or not.. but no magpie no doctors can tell you or talk to you or reassure you because they don't know..they never have nor never will.. its pretty much like signing on here and asking and people telling you well I dont think there is anything wrong with you but this is something you have to fix.. Lol.. so anyway thanks for the comment but needed to ask and needed to tell. So thanks again God bless ..take care..Michael

Brandy snap
30-05-07, 01:19

I have read through all your latest postings and I wonder if you have any alternative practitioners such as homoeopaths, acupuncturists, herbalists, Indian head massage etc. anywhere within reach of where you live? I know G.P.'s can only give a few minutes' time to each patient, which isn't really long enough. I personally feel much better if I have been able to have a long talk and feel completely understood. Alternative practitioners seem to have much more time, and just the fact that you have been able to say exactly how you feel, without feeling a nuisance, has a very beneficial effect. I am wondering if some of your meridians could be blocked. reflexology can also work wonders.

A nutritionist may also be helpful to you - it's amazing how our diet can affect us.

As a matter of interest, have you got many amalgam dental fillings? I know three people who felt loads better after having their fillings removed and replaced by white ones.

Keep posting and letting us all know how you are. If you are able to try any alternative remedies, please tell us the outcome. I hope you soon find something which works for you. Sending you healing thoughts.

Brandy Snap:)

30-05-07, 02:27
You know.. you just made me think...there is a village here that is devoted to the spiritual and mystical and alternaitive methods of heaing .. I always thought it odd to have such a place in a place where nothing exist..Now Im sure that its becuase this place produces not only to me but probably thousands of others the same feelings and symptoms only to be blown off by traditional medicine..Its worth a shot to visit and investigate this place..There are temples and strange buildings throughout where there are believers and just about anything and cures from the exotic to the extraordinary but you just made me think..

Ill do a little investigation and see what I find..thanks again..God bless and Ill post back and let you know what I find..Traditional medicine here is as useless as in Tibet..

03-06-07, 09:14
Update on almost every symptom I have had..Ok..well I admit I have been anxious in my life..but the symptoms I have and have described are normal for this valley.I have been doing research and speaking with just average run of the mill people .It seems this valley produces everything that I have ever mentioned here and well actually my list of things are the ones that I have just been lucky to experience.I don't think that I would really want to experience the ones that I have read about and heard about recently .It seems this has been going on for the last 100 something years that the spanish and white man has occupied this place and well its been going on for at least 20000 years before with the aborigine that wrot it off as haunted and spirits.

The good thing I have learn to accept..funny how I told myself to do this before someone said thats claire weaks advice..As I have progressed I have found this to work out quite nicely ..

If you desire to read more about this place that time has forgotten and makes people weird if they arent already weird pm me and i can give you a link that will give you several hundred links and learn what I have been describing here in detail for almost a year now and thinking that I was dying..If im dying there are roughly 8000 sq miles of people doing the same thing because each and everyone suffers the same symptoms and everyone that has ever lived her has..SO well.. they have learned the art of accept and go on .. and funny thing is this place is like shangra la ..Most of the people never die here until their 80's and 90's and some live so long they arent sure their age..

To make a long story short I agree with ms weaks and think she is 100 percent correct in acceptance although I have never had the pleasure of reading her books..