View Full Version : Loss of appetite

27-05-07, 11:47
Hi there

I'm currently going through a bout of anxiety. Haven't been like this for over two years so feel really fed up. It started because I had blood in my urine and pains in side and the doc referred me to a urologist because there was no infection. Anyway, I googled my symptoms and convinced myself that I have kidney cancer, or some other cancer in that area! Since then I have been to see doc loads more times and had xrays of my kidneys and urinary tract - all of which were normal. Despite this the anxiety has taken hold and I now find myself on a rollercoaster of feelings. I have completely lost my appetite, can't eat and retch when I think of food. As a reslut I have lost weight and keep checking the scales to see if I have lost more. I am so scared that the appetite won't come back and that I'm gonna waste away. Does anyone else suffer like this with appetite loss? The mornings are the worst, and I am sometimes sick too. I am still getting sharp niggly pains in my sides and keep thinking I have some awful desease. I try to remind myself that the appetite and weight loss only began when I was worrying baout my health. If anyone can relate please let me know.


Sarah x

27-05-07, 13:38
i have days where i cant face eating and its hard
Have you tried meal replacment milkshakes? This are great when you dont feel like eating and they have all the nutrients that you need.You can get them from the chemist.
Take care

27-05-07, 21:42
Earlier this year, when I was really anxious, I didn't feel like eating and was shocked when I saw how much weight I'd lost. Now that the anxiety has receded to a manageable level, my appetite has come back and I'm having trouble keeping the weight off!!
So Sarah, yes your appetite will come back, you won't waste away, just be patient.

30-05-07, 12:31
Hi Sarah,

I too suffer from a loss of appetite when my anxiety is bad, earlier this year I lost quite a lot of weight which I really didn't need to just because I was unable to face the thought of eating much food. What makes it worse is that when you start to lose weight your anxiety gets worse because you're worrying that you're losing too much and it just goes in circles.

I haven't managed to put any of my weight back on yet even though i'm now eating okay. I found it was best to try and eat a little dry toast in the morning and then I'd snack on fruit throughout the day and try to eat a decent size meal in the evening. When I didn't eat anything I became so hungry that it also contribute to not wanting to eat because I was so hungry. Try taking little steps but your appetite will come back, try and distract yourself when eating so you're not thinking about it, maybe talk to someone or watch something on TV that really distracts you.

Hope you're feeling better soon.
Lucy xx

30-05-07, 13:22
Thanks for your replies
I am still very anxious at the moment and going through the usual "will it ever go" or "what if this time it just gets worse and I end up being sent to a mental hospital". All thoughts I have had everytime I have been going through a bout! You'd think that by now I would be so used to the same old thought patterns that I would be able to shrug them off, but they are just as powerful this time round and I am struggling to cope. I am either worrying that I have a real illness or that I have the beginnings of a severe mental illness. Appetite sill really bad, which as you say is a viscious circle! Can't eat cause I'm so anxious, then can't eat cause I'm worrying that I have lost weight.

Oh the joy of anxiety!

Sarah x

26-12-08, 14:55
hi sarah, i know what you posted was a long time ago but i have exactly the same problem as you had, i thought it might b appendicitus because I have had a pain in my right sides for4 weeks now, went A&E they did tests and said it was ok, but now i am obsessed i have this and it will burst. I have lost my appetite and i feel naseus whe i think or see food. i dont know if the symptoms are real or if they are in my head. what did you do?

I also had blood in my urine but that was due to dehyrdration. I have suffered from anxiety for 5 yrs and recently have been getting panic attacks evryday.

I would be grateful if you could get back to me if you read this, I really need to know what the hell i am going through.



26-12-08, 14:55
so sorry about grammer I am writing quickly

27-10-10, 21:57
Hi there

I'm currently going through a bout of anxiety. Haven't been like this for over two years so feel really fed up. It started because I had blood in my urine and pains in side and the doc referred me to a urologist because there was no infection. Anyway, I googled my symptoms and convinced myself that I have kidney cancer, or some other cancer in that area! Since then I have been to see doc loads more times and had xrays of my kidneys and urinary tract - all of which were normal. Despite this the anxiety has taken hold and I now find myself on a rollercoaster of feelings. I have completely lost my appetite, can't eat and retch when I think of food. As a reslut I have lost weight and keep checking the scales to see if I have lost more. I am so scared that the appetite won't come back and that I'm gonna waste away. Does anyone else suffer like this with appetite loss? The mornings are the worst, and I am sometimes sick too. I am still getting sharp niggly pains in my sides and keep thinking I have some awful desease. I try to remind myself that the appetite and weight loss only began when I was worrying baout my health. If anyone can relate please let me know.


Sarah x

Hi there Sarah i can relate to you, i had a bout of gum desease which ive never had before and from then on i am convincing myself that i have
HiV i can.t get this thought out my head and am now trapped in my own mind with unwanted symptoms, muscle aches insomnia flu like symptoms i even had a throat infection that had a white pus , i was put on antibiotics in which it has cleared up but i am scared once i finish the course in case it returns, i'm a nervous wreck!! I don't have an appitite but i force myself to eat i have my scales on the kitchen floor in which i keep jumping on to check to see if i have any weight loss.