View Full Version : How Many Siblings?

27-05-07, 15:28
This is a poll to co-inside with Giddy's Poll regarding how Panic/Anxiety effects people in relation to their birthplace within a family.

I'm not too hot with Statistics, but I was looking at the results so far, and figured that most families would probably have two children, thus making the results seem more conclusive than they actually are. (if most have two children, then obviously the option middle child will be lower than eldest/youngest)

Hopefully, this poll will get a similar quantity of people voting, and comparing the two sets of statistics should give us a better correlation (if indeed there is one) between order of birth, and suseptability of Panic/Anxiety.

27-05-07, 15:37
Ive an older brother but Ive grown up feeling like an only child - he is 11 yrs older than me and he was away at boarding school (he got the brains lol) then he moved away to Uni. My parents were in their 40's when i was born! Think my anxiety stems from my upbringing :blush:

27-05-07, 15:45

I have one sister who is 3 years older than me, im the only one in the family that as suffered with anxiety.:weep:


27-05-07, 16:03
Just one older sibling!

Piglet :flowers:

27-05-07, 16:08
I had two older brothers (eldest now dead) and one older sister. My oldest brother was 20 years older than me so never really knew him as a sibling when I was young. My mum was 40 when I was born (think I was a 'surprise' or a 'mistake' as my mum used to tell anyone who would listen lol!)

Coni X

27-05-07, 16:16
I have two younger brothers who don't have problems with anxiety.


27-05-07, 16:25
I have one sister who is 13mths older than me. She has never suffered with anxiety at all and neither have my parents. Seems to just be me :ohmy:

27-05-07, 17:33
I put that I have one sibling, a brother. However he died as a result of an accident when I was 12. So I spent some of my childhood being an only child too. A lot of my anxiety stems from this. I was anx before he died (or highly strung!) but his death affected me really badly and is definately the cause of some of it ie fear of people dying, not coming home, something happening to my children.

27-05-07, 18:09
I have an older brother and sister. We've all suffered depression and anxiety. My dad had panic attacks in his 50s, none of us knew about it until after he died. Different era to now - in those days one didn't talk about it.

27-05-07, 20:07
I have one sister who is 2 years younger and 2 brothers who are almost 10 and 13 years younger than me. I am the only one with anxiety but I swear my Mother and Sister have manic personalities - VERY high highs and VERY low lows.

27-05-07, 22:39
I have one elder brother, nearly six years older than me.

He does not have anxiety, but like me finds relationships difficult and we are both single. I believe this stems from our upbringing.

27-05-07, 22:40
I have a brother who is 3 years younger than me.He is an alcoholic and has bipolar.This has affected my anxiety for the last 20 years or more.I feel he has taken up most of my parents time.I have depression as well which runs on my dads side of the family.My dad has anxiety as well,but hides it very well.:weep:

geordie flower
27-05-07, 23:19
hiya, in my opinion anxiety is not choosy! wether u r an only child, from a big family, the eldest or youngest u can still be effected by it! its how we deal with it that matters. Sorry dont mean to offend anyone its just my opinion tracey x

28-05-07, 06:13
I have 2 younger brothers.9 and 12 yrs younger so I can relate to the feeling of being an only child.
I was always the one that got in trouble and considered the black sheep
Phill :shades:

28-05-07, 06:46
Oh b*****s..... erm, I mean Damn It!

This poll is completely uselss as I am a complete clot. :weep:

There should have been a 4th option "I have 2 or more Siblings, and I am neither eldest / youngest"

Sorry to everyone who has given answers.

I shall close this thread and return to school to learn how to use a forum! :weep:

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^^ Well Kookookachoo for the damn NMP post filter :sly: