16-11-04, 10:24
Hello everyone, You must all be so bored of my constant going on, but I don't know who else to contact who seems to understand my symptons. My palpitations/missed beats have been so obvious for the last few weeks again and because they are scaring me it is also making me have attacks of shaking as well. I don't seem to suffer often with actual panic attacks (thank goodness, because when I do, they are so scary) but the anxiety symptons are present nearly everyday. My doctor refuses to give me any medication for the missed/ectopic beats/palpitations and whenever I go to see him he just says I need to learn to relax. I do know that, but find it so hard. I hate being scared of these symptons and I know I keep asking but does anyone else get the same symptons nearly every day and if you do, how do you stop yourself being scared of them? Even typing this post I keep feeling the odd 'thump' apparently for no reason, please can you reassure me that they cannot harm me. It is horrible when I go to bed, lie to down to try to relax and then they go mad until I fall asleep usually or I manage to take my mind off them, which is not easy! I just want to lead a normal life and get rid of these symptons or at thevery least, begin to accept that they cannot hurt me. It just seems that when I am getting them every day, they are always at the front of my mind and I can't think of anything else. I am so sick of having these things why can't the beating just go back to normal???[?]

16-11-04, 11:11
Hi LinJane

You're doing better that you were by now at least being open to the fact that they cannot hurt you.

They are extra beats so that is a good thing. I'd be more concerned if you were having a very slow heart beat and missing several beats.

Learning to breathe correctly is part of the trick and to slow yourself right down. Look on the home page for breathing techniques.

As you breathe slower and deeper it will calm your heart beat down to minimise how much adenaline and noradrenaline are in your circulation which is what causes the heart act like this.

A yoga/ Tai chi class may help you with this .

Also ensure you have cut out all stimulants - caffiene etc.
minimise how much adenaline and noradrenaline are in your circulation

I haven't had any palpitations in a few years now and I remember being where you are now !

You take good care of yourself


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

16-11-04, 11:38
Hi linJane,

I can understand what you are going through. I don't have the same symtoms as you but I find the same with mine ie: the more you worry about them, the more you know you need to relax to stop them, but the harder you try to relax the more wound up you become ......
That's what happens to me anyway.

I think the one thing that's needed is to find something to distract one's mind.
And that's the difficult bit. When it's all such a visious cycle.
I cannot get on with relaxation exersises, tapes or music.
Sometimes I can manage to do it by creating a fantasy in my mind. Trying to think of what I would really like to happen in my life and build a story around it.
But that does not always work....
The thing which almost always does seem to work for me is reading - but only if I can find a book which really grabs my attention, and it's hard to keep up a reliable flow of books like that !!

Anway, I hope you can find a way of coping with your problems.
I'm sure your doc knows what he's talking about, so try not to worry about it. Find something that really interests you and just think about that ....

I'm sure knowing about this web community is a help too, so keep talking and asking, we won't mind at all :)

Hope someone or something on here will help you.
All the best


16-11-04, 12:00
Hi Meg, I have to say I find it hard to believe that they can't hurt me mainly because I have them so often. Is it really ok that I get them most days and usually for no apparent reason. I will try hard to relax and I must get a good relaxation cd. I did try yoga last year, but couldn't do the breathing techniques!! Thanks for listening.

Take care..xx
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi LinJane

You're doing better that you were by now at least being open to the fact that they cannot hurt you.

They are extra beats so that is a good thing. I'd be more concerned if you were having a very slow heart beat and missing several beats.

Learning to breathe correctly is part of the trick and to slow yourself right down. Look on the home page for breathing techniques.

As you breathe slower and deeper it will calm your heart beat down to minimise how much adenaline and noradrenaline are in your circulation which is what causes the heart act like this.

A yoga/ Tai chi class may help you with this .

Also ensure you have cut out all stimulants - caffiene etc.
minimise how much adenaline and noradrenaline are in your circulation

I haven't had any palpitations in a few years now and I remember being where you are now !

You take good care of yourself


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 16 November 2004 : 11:11:25</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

16-11-04, 12:44
hello linjane,

I tried yoga too and just couldn't get into it. Relaxation tapes really helped me so make sure you give them a go!!

Sarah :D

19-11-04, 18:50
hello linjane!

I use dto have EXACTLY the same feelings as you.. i felt that my heart was doing double beats every two hours or so and was just so so worried that something was wrong with me... especially since people usually say they have quick heart rate but only for a while and not for days long like I used to have them. I went to the doctor who kept telling me the same as your doctor does... I even went to have an electrocardiogram done (at the age of 26 it's usually never ever done! but I instisted)... this checks the beats of your heart over a lapse of 24 hours... everythingw as absolutely fine.. I was shown the graph with my heart rate and it showed that my heart does have these double beats several times a day... but that everyone has it! It's just that those who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks are much more aware of our health and our heart.... that's all.... i finally managed to believe the doctor and the tests and managed to calm dowm regarding my heart.. now i feel like i'm suffocating the whole time and am worried that my throat has something wrong... my syptoms have just shifted...
I hope this reassures you... i know exactly how u feel and you have to understadn that the double heartbeats do happen but that it's absolutely normal.. .

take care

19-11-04, 20:23
Hi again Linjane.
I was about to put a post up about exactly the same thing, till I read yours. I've had a horrible couple of days with panic and anxiety, but today, my palpatations started. Really, really bad. I'm still debating whether to go to A&E because I'm that worried. Thing is, I AM on beta-blockers, so my heart-rate should be calm. I keep missing beats then get an almighty thud and fluttering. Back to normal again, just start calming down and BAM, it starts again. All day long I've had it now. With chest pain everytime it thuds. I've had a 24hr tape on my heart that said I had a fast heatbeat, nothing to worry about. But sods law, I didn't get my horrible palpatations that day. So I am pretty worried too. I just don't see how everything can be fine when my hearts doing things like this. Is that how you feel? Sorry to go on about myself, I'm just pretty freaked out by it. Just want to know if you feel the same really.

19-11-04, 21:43
Hi Cookie

I know it is hard but please try not to worry too much. You can see how many people on this site have suffered from this and none of us have dropped dead!

If you have had a 24 tape anything unusual would have been picked up. The reason you didn't feel that you had the palpitations is probably because you felt safe that someone was looking after you and therefore weren't as anxious.

Its been proven that anxious people notice things a lot more than those that aren't and this is likely all that's happening - you are hyper aware.

If you just can't be convinced how about trying NHS Direct for some reassurance?


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

19-11-04, 22:10

Unforunately the more you think about it the worse it seems to be cos you focus on it and watch for even the slightest change.

It will pass please believe in that.


21-11-04, 12:01
Hi cookie, sorry only just got back to you I have been really busy and didn't have time to get on site then sometimes I couldn't get in when I tried. It is very rare that I have a whole day without noticing extra beats;/fluttering etc. and I am really am fed up, but apparently according to everyone, they are not dangerous. Do yours start and stop i.e. go mad for a while then go back to normal then an hour or so later start again? We really must try to ignore them, I am good at giving out advice, but can't put it into practice myself! I never have any real time to relax, i run my own business, have two children one who is only 3 and very demanding, a house to run and a husband who is always at work, so i suppose its not surprising I get stressed! When did your symptons start, mine started six weeks after I lost a baby, at five months I had to give birth and before that before I was 30 had lost both parents and then my grandparents and apparently my symptons is my bodies way of dealing with the grief. I have had them now for 2 and a half years but they still petrify me. Hope this helps and feel free to contact me again. Take care.xxx
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi again Linjane.
I was about to put a post up about exactly the same thing, till I read yours. I've had a horrible couple of days with panic and anxiety, but today, my palpatations started. Really, really bad. I'm still debating whether to go to A&E because I'm that worried. Thing is, I AM on beta-blockers, so my heart-rate should be calm. I keep missing beats then get an almighty thud and fluttering. Back to normal again, just start calming down and BAM, it starts again. All day long I've had it now. With chest pain everytime it thuds. I've had a 24hr tape on my heart that said I had a fast heatbeat, nothing to worry about. But sods law, I didn't get my horrible palpatations that day. So I am pretty worried too. I just don't see how everything can be fine when my hearts doing things like this. Is that how you feel? Sorry to go on about myself, I'm just pretty freaked out by it. Just want to know if you feel the same really.

<div align="right">Originally posted by Cookie - 19 November 2004 : 20:23:23</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

21-11-04, 20:21
Hi Linjane

You sound like you have been through a lot - no wonder your body is stressing out. Have you had any counselling to deal with your losses?


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

21-11-04, 21:32
Oh Linjane, I'm not surprised you're feeling so bad! You've had an awful time of it lately by the sounds of things. I'm so sorry for the loss of your baby.
I too have lost a parent like you, when I was 15(25 now). My mum committed suicide. Been pretty down ever since. My anxiety started about 2 years ago, the panic attacks a few(3-4) months ago. Answering your question about the palpitations, I've been having them on and off like you. My heart's been going crazy, scary as hell. But like you say, we've got to try and ignore it. Very hard though isn't it? I too need to take my own advice! Chill out and relax. Hard with a little one. I have a little boy with special needs, he's 21 months tomorrow!
The part you said about your doctor not prescribing medication shocked me. If I were you I'd get a second opinion because your symptoms will probably be helped a great deal with beta-blockers.
I've just put my dose up to 3 tablets a day. The doctor told me to increase it last week but I was too scared. But the palpitations have been so bad, I had to do something. See if you can get some medication. It might do just the trick for you. Don't be frightened of seeing a different doctor either. You're entitled to a second opinion. Let me know how you get on.
Oh, and ask the doc about counselling. Doesn't work for everyone, but you don't know till you try. You've had a lot of bereavement to deal with, which has obviously taken its toll. Trying to deal with the underlying cause of our panic/anxiety is the first step to recovery. I hope you start to feel better soon Linjane.
Keep me posted.