View Full Version : Feeling afraid again

16-11-04, 11:34
Hi everyone

I've been to the site a few times over the last few days but just didn't know what to post. I just feel like I've been run over by a truck again. I've been dealing rationally with the feelings telling myself I've been here before but I can't believe it for some reason. As normal it always feels so different and I have symptoms I've never had before.

I'm sitting here at my desk feeling totally spaced out and sick. Since yesterday afternoon, I've been getting shooting pains in the right side of my head just above to the front of my air and that side of my head really aches. It even feels a bit tender to the touch. The shooting is often several times an hour.

On top of that I've got weak legs, keep feeling short of breath and as though I'm on the verge of passing out. I've also developed the burning sensations I get in my eyes, nose and mouth. It feels like I've inhaled acid.

I have been getting stressed I think with wedding plans and I haven't been sleeping well which is not usual for me at all. Not sure I will survive the next five months, lol

I just feel like I can't go through all of this again and have had to stop myself from symptom surfing. I always seem to find winter really hard and this is the third one we I feel I want to hibernate until the spring

It's really the head stuff that is worrying me as I've never had pains in the right before, usually it's the left if anywhere. Hooray those good old neuro fears are kicking into place again.

And it isn't helping that as I write this the office are generally having a conversation about medical blunders and associated nightmares etc.

Thanks for listening to me, yet again. I feel like this is sometimes the only place I can come and be me. :(



16-11-04, 11:49
Hi Jules,

I find similar things happen.
New pains suddenly, that are really bad. So bad you think there must be something dreadfully wrong ... they might stay around for a few days or even weeks. Just when really KNOW that they are about to kill you they suddenly disappear. Then like as not a new one starts ....
Dunno why life is sooo hard, what must've I done to deserve this???

Ah well, things DO get better from time to time, you just have to keep trying and live in hope.
It's good to have NMP to save the day. A great place this.

Try to stop worrying about things and enjoy life. Easier said than done I know :)

Good luck,


16-11-04, 12:47
hi Jules,

I often get the shooting pains in my head that you describe. They normally come out of nowhere for no reason and last for a few days, then disappear again. All I can say is that it is just another horrible symptom of anxiety that will go away eventually. It is just scary at the beginning because you don't know what it is...

Sarah :D

17-11-04, 20:25
Hi Jules, i have been the same today(as most days lately) got out of bed, pains in head very dizzy, was scared to do anything 'just in case i fell' legs shaking, body shivering, even now my head still 'hurts' although no way as bad as first thing, as you said, this site is the only place i can let off steam without feeling guilty, or without people getting fed up with me, hubby was a bit cheesed off with me at the weekend, and i think if he gets fed up who else cares? so it so helps me to write my feelings here, as i have previously said, surely after all these years of suffering i should be allowed a few days off for good behaviour - see jules i have done it again, rambled on about myself as usual, i hope you have settled a bit now, keep in touch, and as usual we will survive, it's hard work isn't it?

17-11-04, 22:25
Hiya Jules

Not suprised that things are getting on top of you a bit, I got married in Las Vegas with only my brother and nephew as guests and I was all over the place during the run to it.

As you know, our symptoms do evolve, hang around a while, go, and then at some time when we really don't need it, come back as something else.

Try to take some time out to do some nice things and relax, how about treating yourself to a pre-wedding pamper day and have a nice massage or something?

Chin up hun, you'll get through this.

Love Jo xxx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"