View Full Version : Hello to all

28-05-07, 21:37
I'm Susan, middle aged, happily married with one grown up daughter. I have had panic disorder in varying degrees for as long as I can remember. Have been coping fairly well for about six years now, but for some reason I cannot fathom, I have slipped back recently.
Actually trigger could have been that since around Christmas time, I began having frequent migraines. Have had medication for them and have them mostly under control however and anything suspicious has been ruled out - however....
Find myself making excuses not to go out again, after thinking I had more or less beaten my agoraphobia. Was looking for some help, when by chance came across this website so thought I'd have a look.

28-05-07, 21:55
Hi Susan

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here:) , im sure you will get some good advice, support and make new friends too.


28-05-07, 22:56
Hello soozpkwik, :welcome: to you!

Well, you'll surely find plenty of help and support here!

Pleased to meet you!


28-05-07, 22:57
Hello Susan,
your'e amongst friends here:hugs: . I hope to chat to you soon.

29-05-07, 08:14
Hi Susan,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
29-05-07, 13:25
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

29-05-07, 15:12

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

29-05-07, 15:37
Hi Susan,

Welcome to the site. I too have had anxiety all my life and suffer with migraines. You will find many here who will be able to know exactly what you are going through. You will get loads of support here.

Laura :)

29-05-07, 17:11
Hey ya, welcome to the forum.

It sounds to me that it maybe was the frustration of not being able to be in total control of the migraines which has added to the distress. I think (as with everything) that once you start to lose control of something, frustration can maybe lead to anxiety, the worry being that things could return to as they were a few years ago undoing all the hard work. I don't think this is the case though, this is hopefully just a minor blip which will lead to restoring your confidence and gradually allowing you to be able to go out again. I hope things to settle down for you :)
Take Care.

29-05-07, 17:42
Thanks to all for the welcome. I think the last post could be pretty near the mark. I am a total control freak, and the migraines have taken control of me and my life.
I feel I worked so hard to get where I have been the last couple of years, that to find it slipping away was sending me into panic.
I also am a lady of a certain age, and the onset of menopause seems to be playing a part, certainly hormones do. Last night I was despairing, but today my monthlies began and the big black cloud disappeared. Though still anxious it is way more bearable.
May catch some of you in the chat room, I popped in last night and see a couple of names I recognise.
Thanks again, nice to have somewhere to go.

29-05-07, 19:18
Hi Susan

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.