View Full Version : Just a question

28-05-07, 21:51
Hi I would like to know when you feel your panic start, what is your first symptom?
Mine always starts in my tummy,I get these butterfly feelings then it turns to churning and cramp.The feeling sort of rushes up from the tummy to the rest of my body.Then all the others start,the tingling sweaty hands,fast heart beat ect.:weep:

28-05-07, 22:06
Hi Ellen

I feel really dizzy when im going to panic!!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

28-05-07, 22:08
Hi Ellen

I go really dizzy too and i also get tingling in my arms:ohmy: :ohmy:


29-05-07, 03:30
Hello. My first sympton of a panic attack is a sudden 'startle' in my mind that I don't recognise the place where I am and everything feels unreal and sunlight seems brighter and unbearabe.

The 'mind' side of panic attacks are much worse for me than the physical sidel


29-05-07, 08:01
Hi Ellen (hope your ok),

when i was younger I used to just get the terrible stomach cramps and be in agony. But now its all different, the first thing I feel is that I am off balance....very dizzy and breathless, then my heart feels all jumpy.

If I could get rid of just one symptom it would be the dizzyness, that is the worst for me and the suffocation feeling.

geordie flower
30-05-07, 12:05
Hiya, I knew wen I had a pa starting because I would suddenly feel very alone and it was like someone had turned the lights out! Then I would have an over whelming need to get away from where I was be it at home sitting watching tv, I would have to take myself in to the garden, bit more difficult wen it happen at work tho because I work in a shop so I would have to say to one of the other staff that I needed to go to the loo! I wrote this in the past tense because although I still have abit anxiety I havent had a pa for over 2 months now so fingers crossed!!! tracey :) x

01-06-07, 15:01
Mine is in my tummy. But I have noticed in the last week or 2 that I am getting rapid heartbeats now. Super.....