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View Full Version : My Jaw!!

28-05-07, 23:13
Hiya all,ok i have ths crazy thng going on right now that there is something wrong with my Jaw.
When i open my Jaw really really wide(as wide as i can)i hear a slight grinding noise and my Jaw slightly locks.
My partner and sister both say this is normal and they get it too,was just wondering if anyone else has this as well for some reassurance please.

29-05-07, 13:10
Hi Danuella, yup, this is totally normal. Our jaws can open pretty wide but they're not really designed to do it on a regular basis! I think we've all had this when we're yawning more than usual, but once you notice it then you start noticing it all the time - typical of health anxiety.

29-05-07, 13:18
weird you should say this... i know its not anxiety related but i'll share my story anyway...

about 2 years ago i woke up one morning and my jaw was locked shut, i could open it about 1cm and that was it... over about an hour it loosened up until it was ok again... this happened every morning for about a year... aswell as that my jaw would just randomly start really hurting and kinda crunching and it'd get locked into posistion and i'd have to kinda click it back to normal again (whick would KILL)...i still get it if a chew on something for a long time, or if i need the strength of my jaw to bite into something i can rarely do it..

i never went to the doctor cos i just presumed there was nothing they could do (a frequent assumption i often come to.. maybe wrongly so)... when ever i told my mates about it they just presumed i'd been naughty the night before (wink wink)..

i haven't really got any conclusion to this story but if you find out whats wrong with yours be sure to let me know cos it might shed a bitta light on what was wrong with mine