View Full Version : What Do You Use The Internet For?

29-05-07, 05:24
So I was just browsing t'internet and it got me thinking;

What do you guys mainly use the net for?

For me, I am a member of lots of technical forums, which I browse and contribute to as and when I can.

I also participate in other 'non topical' forums.

Profile sites (FaceParty, ProfileHeaven, MySpace, Bebo, FaceBook, FaceBox just to mention a few) are no fun anymore.

MSN used to take up a lot of time, but I never seem to bother with it much.

Basically..... The net is now getting quite boring, so I was hoping to get some ideas as to what to do?????? :shrug:

29-05-07, 08:48
I use the internet for lots of things :D As you know Ross I'm an internet masteress! I could recommend some of my sites that I frequent regular....www.cbeebies.co.uk.....www.nickelodeon. co.uk...www.mrbeanrules.com....That is just a few to get you started :D If I can be of any further assisstance please do not hesitate to contact me :wacko:

P.S. Since I joined one of your sites ages ago I keep getting these bloody emails from Mutual Points!!!!!! xxx

29-05-07, 10:03
I'm a member of a few forums but only post occasionally.

I also used to be on msn every night but it was taking up all of my evening so I don't use it anymore.

I like browsing on e bay, don't buy very often though.

The internet used to be a major part of my life, I think I was totally addicted. Nowadays, though, I'm probably only on here for a max of an hour a day. It's all to easy for it to become your life, I suppose. Better to press the off button and go out into the real world and face your fears!


29-05-07, 10:11
I use the internet for this site mainly and two others called 'healthy pages' (cos of the alternative therapy forums) and one called 'makeupalley' (that gives you loads of reviews on different products from makeup to shampoos - saves me loads of money as then I can see how other people rated them first before parting with any cash).

I adore e-bay and I'm on there everyday - I used to be a bit like that with Amazon too. I tend to do pretty well all my clothes shopping online and like to find obscure little sites with unusual things.

Like Kate and Ross the novelty has totally gone from msn now and I don't go on much at all anymore.

Piglet :flowers:

29-05-07, 10:19
Hi Ross

I use the internet mainly for NMP and Ebay, i also spend quite a bit of time writing emails to 3 of my close school friends who have moved to Spain, Germany and London.
I also use the internet for shopping, clothes cds etc. And as my house is up for sale i like to house hunt over the web.


29-05-07, 10:31
hey ross.... i've recently finished a open uni course so used net for that, also use it for NMP, ebay, you-tube if i wanna find music video or other random stuff... recently been using it to keep track of house prices etc in area cos we looking into buying a house... discovered bebo couple days ago so been on that... chat on msn, met 2 people on NMP that both live within about 9 miles so chat to them... but i agree it is pretty boring....

29-05-07, 14:04
I too use the internet for a couple of forums like NMP.

I used to go on MSN and quite addicted to a few sites but I've cut back on my internet time a lot. I use it to contact friends and catch up on emails too.


29-05-07, 14:28

I use the 'ternet for many different things. I feel it's a tool that's become an integral part of our lives, pretty much everything can be found on the internet, it also brings people closer together that perhaps wouldn't normally be able to, for example, you could have a video conference with families in different countries, there are some membes of family that i've never met in Italy and without the use of the cam i would never have seem then in real time unless i actually went there myself.

If you want to learn about something, the internet has it all really. The only danger i can see is it can become so addictive to the point where you don't even have to leave your room, i have always maintained a balance, but of course when suffering from depression you do tend to use it far more as it certainly can brighten up your day.

I just thank goodness for forums like this really.

Take Care.

29-05-07, 15:11
Hi I use it for quite a bit

I use here a lot and occassionally a depression forum.

Buying and selling stuff online.(E bay, amazon) Not big stuff, just stuff I can't be bothered to go out looking for like an obscure album that hubby wants or a book that I am not willing to pay full price for!

kelkoo if I am ever buying anything big so I can get price comparisons

holidays- Uk cottage holidays

Occassionally chat on MSN, but I don't feel entirely comfortable with it.

E mail all the people I have sadly lost human touch with as I became more withdrawn and kept myself to myself. Now i am not brave enough to go meet them face to face again!

re booking library books

I used to use it a lot for research when doing an open uni course.


29-05-07, 16:35
Hi Ross, I use the internet for groceries, ebay ,amazon, ebay ect.....
also I have been doing my family tree the past 6 years using online info,
some people may find it boring but I am hooked, makes me feel proud to be me and its helpfull in giving a meaning to my life, all my ancestors were hard working (unlike me ,lol).

I also go on the money saving forum to help my money go round.

I love crafty sites where i pick up tips .

What things are you interested in ? Maybe you need a new hobby ?

29-05-07, 16:47
I have been doing my family tree the past 6 years using online info,some people may find it boring but I am hooked,

That's not boring, that's rather fascinating, the time and effort required to perform such a task is quite difficult and also requires a lot of dedication. How far are you in it Mirry!?? :hugs:

Granny Primark
29-05-07, 17:05
I use the internet for Ebay and of course The Primark website:yesyes:
No surprises there lol
And NMP of course.

Take care

30-05-07, 16:58
on one line I got back to 1550 , in cheshire.

What hard lifes they lived back then, makes me feel ashamed how I moan about my life.

30-05-07, 17:29
PRIMARK WEBSITE!!!! They have a website????

Piglet :flowers:

30-05-07, 17:38
NMP is my No.2 site, my number one being my photography gallery/ forum (www.pbase.com (http://www.pbase.com)) where I have quite a good community around me.

I have to 'fess up that in my younger days I used to be a planespotter and still like to keep up with what's happening and especially like seeing old photos of planes from the 1950's and 1960's on www.airliners.net (http://www.airliners.net)

Most days I'll surf the BBC site and also Wikipedia as I am a curiosity nerd lol

I have also been doing my family tree for the past three years and have now got to the point where progress is slow, and generally reliant on new contacts or new sets of data coming on line. I have travelled to Hertfordshire and Norfolk records office, but my anxiety has precluded further outings such as to Devon. Mirry or anyone else - I can look up Surrey records for you, as it is only a mile away from me, so PM me OK?.

As for msn, I gave up earlier this year as I just couldn't handle it. Didn't realise so many others had fallen away from it too.

30-05-07, 18:26
Most days I'll surf the BBC site and also Wikipedia as I am a curiosity nerd lol

Well I'm not a curiosity nerd - I'm just your common or garden nerd, especially when I have a side parting!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

30-05-07, 18:31
Lol Piglet - My thoughts were the same - Primark has a website !!!!!

Bye for now, Im away to shop.....................

I use internet mainly for here, ebay, book holidays, alternative therapies, emailing friends and I "found" my lovely boyfriend on a dating site :blush: If Im bored then I go on www.jigzone (http://www.jigzone) (and do jigsaws) sad I know but it saves looking for the missing pieces when I do the real thing at home lol

Luv Darkangel :flowers:

31-05-07, 00:12
Well I couldn't buy anything off the Primark website .....sigh!! I did have a go on the Matalan one mind (Oh Piglet you are such label slave)!!!:yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

31-05-07, 10:47
Piglet I had the same problem on Primark site.

I live about 2 mins away from a Matalan store - bit too handy :yesyes:

31-05-07, 10:51
Darkangel how fab would it be to be able to order online from Primark!!

I do very occasionally go down there first thing on a Sunday morning but its the queuing that is totally my downfall. I didn't do queue's like that even before anxiety lol!!

The thing I love about Primark is just how much you get for you money - my piglets are the same. The youngest one spent £40 in their last weekend and laid all the things on my bed and we just could not believe how much she had got for her money - whoooooooa weeeee!!

Piglet :flowers:

05-06-07, 23:55
I use it to make new friends and to chat to my existing ones.

I also have a reggae and soul music forum and I have a great podcast which is getting lots of listeners!


06-06-07, 11:53
I use the internet for shopping (mainly on ebay), talking to friends on MSN, reserarching and looking things up .... oh and ....

Love shoegal xxx

12-06-07, 21:15
comment removed *sigh