View Full Version : Hi

29-05-07, 09:30
Hi everybody,

I just wanted to say Hi to everybody, i've missed being here and reading the threads.

Recently i've been feeling awful and i'm trying to stay strong through this tough time, but i must admit it's becoming harder :(

Maybe i can post more once i feel a little more confident.

Take Care

29-05-07, 09:55
Hi and welcome.
Post in your own time. We'll all be here to offer the support you need when you feel ready :)


funky chick
29-05-07, 09:55
Hi and welcome back phantasystar hope you feel better soon take care love Gail xxx:hugs:

29-05-07, 10:41
Hi there,

Sorry things aren't to good for you at the moment.

You already know that we're all here for each other, so hopefully we'll all be able to give you the help and support you need at this time.


29-05-07, 10:59
Thank you so much for your replies, i already feel better knowing that people care. Thank you once again.

29-05-07, 13:17
A big warm welcome back to you Star. xx

Pink Princess
29-05-07, 13:23
welcome back, hope things pick up for you soon, take kare and talk soon xxxx

29-05-07, 13:27
Bless ya, you have all been so lovely to me, thank you so much this is really helping me :)

29-05-07, 15:06

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

29-05-07, 15:35
Hi PhantasyStar,

Welcome back! You already know what a wonderful site this is. I hope you are feeling better soon. Hang in there.

Laura :)

29-05-07, 19:19
Welcome back again.

Hope you start to feel better soon.

You will get loads of support on here anyway.

29-05-07, 19:47
Thank you all so much once again for the welcome, it's nice to be back after a few months away, it was a mistake for dissapearing in the first place.

thank you again...