View Full Version : hairdresser hell

29-05-07, 11:22
hi there, well after alot of thinking about it i have made a long overdue appointment with the hairdresser. I have wanted my hair done for along time, but now i am really worried about it. you see i am having the colour done which means i am going to be there for a long time. I have visions of having to leave with my hair half done. I really do not know what to do if i have a panic attack. Maybe i should just cancel and do it myself at home but then i would feel like a complete failure. Its the fear of not being able to leave that is worrying me, it will be like being trapped for about 2hours. I dont know what to do, it is making me feel bad just thinking about it. Love Helen:shrug:

29-05-07, 11:27
hi hun... i dont really know the answer to this.. i suppose it is just do it!!! but i know how all the "what if's" and anxiety can get the better of you.... im in the same situation as you... been cutting my own hair for the last few years and would LOVE the courage to go and get it done professionally...

29-05-07, 11:30
hey helen

i have the hairdressers this saturday and i'm a wee bit edgy about. I can relate to exactly what you have said. I'm getting colour done too so i know i'll be there for at least 3hrs!!

whats getting me through is that i have done it before and have managed to control my anxiety by doing breathing techniques whilst stuck under the dryer, drinking plenty of water, going to the toilet for a breather and sticking my head in a magazine.

just think about how good you will feel with your brand new hairdo! you will feel great and it is a wee confidence boost.

i bet you will be skipping down the road after!!

hope it all goes well................:hugs:

laura x

29-05-07, 11:39
Have you thought about making a home appointment rather than going to the salon? Just a thought...

29-05-07, 11:44
Hi there..

What it comes down to (and this always makes me feel better), IF you have to go mid cut.....then go. I had highlights/cut a little while ago now, and about 5 minutes towards the end of the colouring i started feeling a little crappy, but i just thought, if i feel that bad, then i'll just go...lol

Having you're hair done is lovely though, when its all done and you come out all glam...you'll have a big smile on your face :)


29-05-07, 12:27
I dislike the hairdressers cos I do panic but I have told the lady who cuts my hair and she said her sister had agrophobia for 6 years so she understands how difficult it is.
So what i do is....... colour my own hair then take a diazepam and go and get my hair cut...it does help.

take care

29-05-07, 12:39
i understand how you feel... the hairdressers for me was always along the same fear line as the dentist/doctor etc...
i started to have my hair done at home and told the lady how i felt... at that time i wasnt really telling anyone but i had no choice i had to get my hair cut eventually and as it happens she was very understanding and told me that if i needed to i could get up walk around etc...
well eventually she gave up hairdressing so i went into total panic again, i plucked up the courage to go into a few hairdressers sometimes made appointments if i felt pressured to but if i didnt like the place i always cancelled, well i eventually found one that was great, very basic lots of space so i told the lady how i felt and made an appointment, she was great and i felt so at ease, i still wouldnt say i liked having my hair cut but at least i dont feel the awful panic anymore.
so my advice is do what you feel comfortable with just pushing yourself a little bit.
good luck and let us know how you get on...
and like the others have said just think about how fab you will feel after,

29-05-07, 12:58
Hi Helen,

I had the exact same experience last year for all the same reasons as you. However, I went and did it and it was fine. I felt a bit wobbly at one point but my head was covered in foils at the time and I wasn't about to run out into the street like that! I took some polos with me and sucked one every time I found my mind wandering towards anxious thoughts and it seemed to help.

Fast forward a year and a half to now, I went to the hairdressers last week (yep, I'd left it that long!) and did something crazy but sooo cool. I decided to have my hair cut really short after having long hair all my life. I took in a picture of what I wanted and the lady discussed it with me before taking the scissors to my hair.

You know what? It's fantastic and I wish I'd done it years ago! It's a bit like in films where the female star cuts all her hair off to disguise herself or get away from her past - very cathartic! And not a hint of anxiety AT ALL.

I floated out of there like a new woman!

Eeb x

30-05-07, 10:12
well i feel totally useless, i have cancelled my appointment, i feel so dizzy today i just cannot imagine going, i am scared to even leave the house when i feel like this. I have an appointment with g.p. on monday about the dizziness, because it is really bothering me, hopefully he will be able to reassure me and i will eventually be able to get my hair done. I dont know if i have done the right thing i am feeling really down now, but i really could not face it. Love Helen

30-05-07, 10:36
well i feel totally useless, i have cancelled my appointment, i feel so dizzy today i just cannot imagine going, i am scared to even leave the house when i feel like this. I have an appointment with g.p. on monday about the dizziness, because it is really bothering me, hopefully he will be able to reassure me and i will eventually be able to get my hair done. I dont know if i have done the right thing i am feeling really down now, but i really could not face it. Love Helen

hey, please dont beat yourself up about having to cancel your appointment- you are entitled to have off days, i am sure everyone here has had to cancel arrangements at some point due to their anxiety, i sure know i have. dont give up, make another appointment and dont worry if you have to cancel that too, just keep trying.

good luck with the doctor,i hope he has some good advice for you.

let us know how you get on


30-05-07, 10:44
Ive cancelled many times , if its a off day then who can blame you ?
I ordered a cut your own hair book once where I was so desperate.....turned out It wasnt that good but there are dvds showing you how out there some where .

31-05-07, 21:49
I've lost count of the number of times I've cancelled hairdresser appointments.

I'm giving in anyway and getting it done at home. I'm even really nervous about this as it will be someone I don't know and who has never done my hair before.

Don't beat yourself up hun we all have our off days. Hope it goes ok at the Docs.


01-06-07, 09:06
Have you thought about making a home appointment rather than going to the salon? Just a thought...

That's what I always do, get a good mobile hairdresser to come to my house and cut my hair. I also find as I feel more relaxed when my partner is home I get an appointment in the evening so that I know he will be around.

I think I've only gone to a salon twice in the last 30yrs :ohmy:

01-06-07, 10:09
I wouldn't like to sit through a colour and a cut so I just colour mine at home and go to the hairdressers for the cut.

I have to colour mine every 5 or 6 weeks due to the grey :mad:. I would love to have highlights but had a word with the hairdresser and I'd have to have an all over colour for the grey then the highlights put in. No way would I want to be sitting there that long. Even then I would have to have the roots done every 6 weeks so I'm just going to give up on the highlights idea!


01-06-07, 11:44
I wouldn't like to sit through a colour and a cut so I just colour mine at home and go to the hairdressers for the cut.

I have to colour mine every 5 or 6 weeks due to the grey :mad:. I would love to have highlights but had a word with the hairdresser and I'd have to have an all over colour for the grey then the highlights put in. No way would I want to be sitting there that long. Even then I would have to have the roots done every 6 weeks so I'm just going to give up on the highlights idea!


Kate I used to have all that done at home too, the overall colour to hide the grey, then the highlights to add some blonde, then the cut and blow dry. It used to take around 2hrs which isn't that bad, but I had to stop having it done as it was getting too expensive. I think I was paying around £75 each time, which over a year is whole lot of money :ohmy:

What I do now is I colour my hair myself. I don't use a supermarket colour for the simple reason that I like the colour base my hairdresser used. So I just buy the professional hair colour online and mix it up at home, it's as simple as using the stuff in the supermarket but actually works out tons cheaper!

I haven't had my highlights done for awhile but with Summer approaching I am going to get some bleach and do it myself with a cap as I don't think I'd be able to do foils myself. Now I only spend out £22 a time for a cut which is really saving me lots of money and I don't have to stress out about getting anxious too.

02-06-07, 16:10
Well today I decided I would put some highlights in my hair and spent about 2hrs pulling the bits of hair through the cap :ohmy:

When I eventually got around to putting the bleach on I spooked myself by reading something on the box about not breathing in the powder that you mix in with the liquid and after only 15mins of the 30mins I needed to leave the bleach on I just went into a panic and had to wash it off :weep:

I'm not quite sure what colour my hair is now :ohmy:

05-06-07, 17:03
hi, well i have just got back from the hairdressers, i have a new hair style and highlights. I have to say i was dreading it, but i so wanted it done, i went armed with water and sweets but found i didn't need them. I sat by the open door so i had a nice breeze and i took a good book. The hairdresser spent alot of time talking to me about holidays etc and i actually felt ok. The worry about going in the first place was alot worse than actually having it done and i am so pleased i went i feel so much better for having it done, it does wonders for your confidence. Love Helen:)

05-06-07, 18:17
Well done Helen, that's great news!! :yesyes:

05-06-07, 18:20
Oh well done Helen.....give yourself a big pat on the back. Bet you look really good now! You need to go on a hot date and show that hairstyle off!! :winks: :yesyes:


10-06-07, 09:31

i am aa man and i have the smae problem although mine has got a little worse lately havent been now for around 4 months .
i do have really really short hair so i do only go like once a month but am not able to go at the minute and its gettting me down cause like u i have the same phobia aabout haveing to leave halfway throu;-(

i have now given myself 3 options

1....grow my hair so i look like a 1970s hippy yeti ;-(

2....cut it my self just shave the whole lot off

3....or a moblie hairdresser which seems the most sensible i guess,

but still i completely understand how you feel you are deffinatley not alone ,

please let me know how you get on,


10-06-07, 09:47

I have the same problem. I desperately need a hair cut and some highlights but I can't face sitting in the chair that long. :ohmy:

As a treat for my birthday, my mum is going to cut and highlight (or dye) my hair. Can anybody tell me where I can buy the same stuff the hairdressers use as I don't think the stuff in the shops will give me the desired effect? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

10-06-07, 12:09
Hi shoegal, Well I have the same problem as you and apart from getting my hair cut at home I do the base colour to cover my grey and then put in hightlights myself too. Having said that my first attempt last weekend at putting in highlights wasn't quite the success I had hoped for as I got a bit panicky when I had finished applying the bleach and washed it off a bit early, although it did take okay phew.

Do you have a pharmacist where you live that sells professional hair colour? Where I live we have one that sells all the professional stuff and that is where I bought my highlighting cap and other professional hair stuff before I decided eBay was much easier and cheaper too.

I bought 10 tubes of Wella hair colour on eBay for less money than it would have cost me to buy the stuff they sell in the supermarket. If you only want to change your natural colour by a couple of shades you can just use a permanent colour with 6% volume peroxide, but for a real blonde colour you would need to buy a higher volume. I couldn't find what I wanted online so I just paid £4.10 for a Wella highlighting kit in Tesco and just chucked away the cap they had in the box and used my own one as I think the professional caps are much better. Having said that if your mum is able to use foils that would be better as then you can put the highlights exactly where you want them. I would really recommend that you do a strand test first though as with bleach you really do need to know the exact time it takes to get the right colour, too little time and you end up orange, too much and your hair can be like straw :ohmy: