View Full Version : Infection in Nose?

29-05-07, 13:28
A couple of weeks ago I noticed a pimply thing just inside my nostril which was really sore, and I know I started fiddling with it - well eventually it went away and the pain was gone. Then I noticed a burning sensation in the inner part of my nostril (like the tip of your nose) when I breathed in and looked and it was all bright red and sore! It looked like I had a little scratch right at the centre of the redness (which was possible). My doctor gave me antibiotic cream which helped with the soreness (at least I can breathe through my nose now!) but after 10 days the redness was still there. I went back and she has repeated the course of antibiotic cream and I have to go back in another 10 days if it still hasn't gone. She has told me not to worry (she knows what I am like!!) but I can't help it. Has anyone had anything like this before and do antibiotics take two rounds sometimes before they work? I'm such a nightmare but I hope that someone can reassure me on this.

29-05-07, 19:07
Hiya,i havent actually had an infection in my nose but i did have to have an nose operation last year(a Septoplasty)and i had to use antiobiotic cream for 6 weeks after to prevent infection,also they told me that as the nose is constantly in use and is such a small confined area it could take up to a year to heal my nose properly.I also had Crusting (congealed blood) in my nose 6 months after i had the operation. Hope this helps you.

29-05-07, 21:44
Hi - I've had this and it's painful. Loads of nerve endings at this part of the nose and any spot there is horrible. I still get them from time to time. Suspect you've caused a local skin infection by fiddling round with it - (brain says "No" but the will says "Go":) ) we all do it.
I did this in the past and got myself in a right state when the antibiotic stuff didn't seem to help - guess what - it went away all by itself.

You've had a spot
You've picked at it as I did with mine:blush:
You've got a localised skin infection (redness and burning sensation)
It will heal but might take a few weeks