View Full Version : a strange symptom

29-05-07, 15:12
hi everyone,

i just wanted to ask if any of you have experienced a strange thing i did today on the bus.

i was sat there totally relaxed on my way home then suddenly my head felt strange it was like i was shutting down in some way. this made me think i was having a stroke( no idea where that thought came from) i then began with palpitations and shaking . i got off the bus as i couldnt stand to sit there . well i wobbled off the bus feeling really sick. i still dont feel right i feel very floaty if that makes sense. this episode really shook me i have had panic attacks for years i know the signs and take steps to avoid getting into a state. today it was just so sudden no time for me to calm myself. i have now convinced myself i had some sort of mini stroke.

someone please tell me they have experienced something similar


29-05-07, 15:57
i'm not sure if this is the same thing but i sometimes experience a kind of headrush-one minute i'll be fine then all of a sudden there is a wild rush of tingling all through my head, it feels very odd and makes me anxious as i think i'm about to have a fit or collapse. It is even more frightening as it always happens when i'm not panicky in the slightest.

I would discuss it with your doctor if you have never experienced anything like this before

hope this helps


29-05-07, 16:44
Hi Sammie,

Yes hun, I have had the same, when I was acute. Pa, anxiety symptoms do change and when they do, we do fear the worse.

Sometime we do feel like are mind is shutting down and in a way it does, it trys to protect us from anymore feelings, instead are thoughts go all over the place, lots of negative, which in turn triggers other symptoms of anxiety.

When these feeling blow up very quick, it is dame hard to dampen are thoughts down, but if you can distract yourself totaly, mmm this is dame hard to learn, you can still stay on the bus.

I had a prob last year boarding a plane, Wham, fear, fear and more fear. I have learned alot form this site, but trying sooo hard to distract myself from hitting full blown panic, is dame hard, the only thing I could do at the time to distract myself from all the negative thoughts at that time was sing, 99 bottles of bear on the wall. I know this may sound silly, but it was the only thing I could think of, but it stopped me hitting full blown panic.

All your symptoms sound like anxiety related to me.

There are links at the bottom of this thread, please read them, they will reasure you that you are not along.

How do you feel now hun, are the symptoms still there?

hope this helps



29-05-07, 18:18
hi jill,

i have calmed down at last:yesyes:

it was such a shock as i have not had a panic like that for a long time. when i sat down and talked to my husband he reminded me that my head was the main symptom when i first started panicking. amazing how we can forget. i suppose these things crop up from time to time ( i just wish it wouldn't). the fact that i have just withdrawn from seroxat escaped my memory so this could be a possible reason. i was just in that moment when i was thinking oh my god it's all starting up again a setback is how dr weekes referred to it so i will deal with this as a setback and hopefully things will settle down.

thanks jill for your kind words

oh i have had plenty of dealings with planes and flying my
stories will make anyone laugh :)


29-05-07, 18:38
Hi Sammie,

Good to hear you have calmed down, thats great be pround of yourself. What you have to remember is, if we have a set back, ohhh boy, we must have moved sooo much forward. You are doing just great.

I know its dame hard but try and not put to much importance in what happened on the bus, it may NEVER happen again.

I had my first pa in an airport, it took me 2 years, but flew out last year, went on a plane 3 times, the first 2 times were fine, it was the 3rd time I had the problem.

I an hoping to get a cheap hol in june and fly again, hehe, feel like a child sometimes wanting to prove to myself I can do it. OF COURSE I CAN LOL.

We have an aiport not far away and I go there all the time. My local team liverpool played in Malan, ohh boy, I have never seen sooo many planes take off, can't wait to board one LOL

Love to hear your flying stories, you say it would make anyone laugh, but the most important thing is, CAN YOU laugh about it now???????????

You take care and be kind to yourself


30-05-07, 07:34
I have these every once in awhile..not sure what causes them but if they were mini strokes then i would have been dead by now or surely had a major stroke.They are somehow associated with anxiety even though you arent particuararily aware that you are anxious but I have had the same identical thing at many times many different places.Its scarry but im sure it was a mini stroke.God Bless ..