View Full Version : Feeling Odd ... lightheaded, dizzy, drunk

29-05-07, 18:18
I came off Prozac quite successfully (only a little bit of nausea) about ten days ago and since then have not had a panic attack! Hurrah!! A small mercy. However, I have now started to have these very strange light headed/lack of concentration/dizzy/drunk feelings which aren't constant but are very unpleasant. Part of me wants to go to the doctor but I just know I am his worst nightmare! I must have hypochondriac written all over my file. I see from this site that this might be anxiety related - does this sound right?! I haven't had any panicky feelings.

I have been offered a part time job that I am itching to start in July and I am quite looking forward to it. The thing is I don't want to start and then have a major wobbly. ... oh, is it possible I'm getting anxious about the job?

Your advice (again) would be just great.


geordie flower
29-05-07, 21:22
hiya, i had dizziness, lightheadedness,fuzzy head and feelings of not really being there kinda being on the outside looking in if u know wat i mean! I had these for about 2 months before I had my first panic attack, so it def sounds to me that wat u hav is anxiety related. I had a few pa's over a couple of months then none but now im left with the anxiety feelins and bizzy head! but the dizziness has stopt thank god, that was prob my worst symptom, yor right about it feeling like u r drunk! take it easy tracey :) x