View Full Version : I've been for a HIV test today

29-05-07, 21:51
I've been for a sameday hiv test today and i can honestly say it's the worst and the best thing that's happened to me,let me explain.
For a while now i have wondered whether i may have the virus or not and it's made me really ill to be honest.
Anyway i went to the drop in centre at the hospital and saw the doctor.After the initial consultation he advised me to have one and i said no.I left the hospital and decided to go back again and see him.
I then saw a counsellor who then advised me not to have the test because she wasn't sure if i could cope with the outcome.
I thought about it and then thought i can't feel any worse than i already do and they also said it would be worse if left untreated.They took the blood and said come back at 3.00pm which i did....and i have never felt so nervous in all my life.
She took me into a side room and said the words.....it's negative.
It's the best thing i have ever done because i just feel so relieved and if i hadn't had the test would always have been wondering....what if....what if.
I have friends who have HIV and with knowing people that have the virus they can live a long,healthy and happy life but wouldn't if they hadn't have found out earlier.
One of my friends has had it for 20 years and never been ill at all!!!!!
If anybody is thinking of taking one and worried then don't be because they have a real way of quashing any anxiety that you may feel at the time.
One of my friends had unprotected sex once and was unlucky and he's ok now he's receiving treatment.
If i can pass a message on to anybody never ever have unprotected sex because it's just not worth it unless you both have a test beforehand and trust each other as well.
It's not half as scary as you may think going for one and i just feel soooo relieved now the nightmare is over.
Hope you don't mind me sharing my story with you all.

29-05-07, 21:59
Don't mind at all Wombat, thank you for sharing!

After a nasty encounter when I was 19, I should have gone for a test, but didn't. realistically, I was at a very small risk, but people with anx don't recognise the logical aspects of how big or small a risk is do we???? I spent 10 years on and off worrying 'did I have HIV? didn't I?' when my anx played up, I would worry myself that my recurring cold was HIV, my daughters illness was HIV but do you think I would do the sensible thing and take a test? Nope!
However, when I was 30 years old, I got round to doing the sensible thing and took the test, which was negative!
Didn't stop me having anx, but it did take that one worry away!

Well done for going and I am glad your mind is at ease.


29-05-07, 22:00

Glad all is ok and it must have relieved a lot of worries for you.

One thing that worries some people is that it will be on there medical records and then it goes against you in the future - is this true of drop-in centres?

29-05-07, 22:02
Hi Wombat

Well Done for having the test done, and so pleased you where ok.

You can move on now hun.:)


29-05-07, 22:08
Thanks for the replys....no it definately doe's not go on your medical records.
I went to a gum clinic at my local hospital and the staff there were absolutely fantastic.I don't know how they do it at the hospital but they really calmed me down...and i am a terrible,terrible worrier.
Because i had put myself at risk.....to me it was a risk so any sort of reasurrance would not have helped me so the only way i had to quash the anxiety for myself was to go for one......and like the Helen Keller quote goe's
The Best Way Out Is Always Through!....and it's very true.
They told me that nobody finds out about the test it's completly confidential.

30-05-07, 14:29
Well done for getting your test done, you must feel very relieved.

I have had 5 HIV test's done, I was raped 6 years ago. My latest test was just over a week, all negative of course.

But because I suffer terribly from anxiety since the rape, I refuse to believe my negative results and still think I have HIV, even after my tests.:weep:

I think silly things like, what if they mixed me up with someone else, or that I am the % that the test don't work on.

Wish I could move on


30-05-07, 17:45
Hi Cas,
Please try not to worry about it...i know it's easier said than done!
What you've been through must of been a nightmare but you have come through it in the end and shows what a strong person you must be.
The tests are 100% accurate i promise you...if you have any more doubts about it just think to yourself the test is NEGATIVE...no if's or buts about it.
Good luck,

30-05-07, 18:13

I'm so pleased for you. I can only imagine how worried you must have been about this. The relief, knowing that everything is ok must be amazing! Well done for going and putting your mind at ease. I have had times when I have been really worried about this, not just HIV, but other things too.

Take care,

Lou xxx

30-05-07, 20:41
Thank you Wombat, I do try to stop worrying, but it's such a big thing.

Of course Google is no help, when your feeling unwell and type your symptoms in all it brings up is HIV all the time.

But we have both been very brave, it's not easy getting tested, and we should be proud of ourselves.

Well done,

Take care


30-05-07, 20:45
Honestly if i can go for one anybody can because i am the worlds worst worrier.Over the years i've worried about getting leukaemia...i can even spell it right!!!!!only joking....ms......lung cancer.....depression......to what's the worst thing i can worry about now......HIV!!!!!!
I have ocd as well which doe's not help...when i was at the hospital i was in tears and couldn't stop...at one point i thought they were going to call the psychiatrist out i was that bad.
But i was determined to not let the worry get the better of me.
I just thought if i have it i can get treated.....far worse in the long run if you dont.Or live with the uncertainty and die from a stress related illness when i didn't have it anyway!!!!!
Thanks for letting me share my story with you all.

30-05-07, 21:20
you have to have faith i t them. My situation was sinilar to yours, but I was 19. You cannot hold this fear any longer lhun.
let thatfear go. he hurt you then dont let him destroy yout life.
please have faith in them hunny

31-05-07, 13:19
Thank you Happyone,

I wish I could believe. And you are right he is wreaking my life every day and has been doing so for the past 6 years.:weep:

I think about him walking around all happy without a care in the world and me going through this hell every day.


29-11-10, 21:54

Glad all is ok and it must have relieved a lot of worries for you.

One thing that worries some people is that it will be on there medical records and then it goes against you in the future - is this true of drop-in centres?

If you test at a GUM centre in the Uk you do not have to give your real details date of birth nothing..... but if you do this you have to remember the details you gave as they will ask you these when you make contact with them if you require test results or treatment.

on syaing that if you were HIV positive then this would the time to face up with your real details so that you can access healthcare and treatment. On this HIV is NOT a death sentence as it was classed at years ago. It is now classed as a cronic illness as the same as diabetes , etc. Those with HIV can live as long as anyone with the right treatments.
Also it is clear and really positive that there will be a vaccine and possible cure within the next ten years ( finger crossed) but those with HIV just need to change their lifestyle to live a long life.

Hope this helps


29-11-10, 23:23
Wombat, well done for going through with it. That's an extremely brave thing to do and it takes huge amounts of courage. I want to give you a big hug right now because I know first hand how hard it can be. You should be very very proud of yourself especially considering what you went through with the councillor and the Doctor. I had my HIV test 7 weeks ago and it was negative. I spent 10 years on and off worrying about it and being too scared to take the test.

I would like to re-iterate your message - anyone on here who is worried about HIV I would urge you to take the test...it's quick, you will have a wonderful nurse or doctor with you and it's best to know...believe me, I have wasted years of my life worrying about it.

M xxx