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View Full Version : CITALOPRAM .what to do ?

30-05-07, 10:50
Have been given 10mg tablets from gp yest, supposed to take one this morning (havent yet) basically Im terrified...is it possible to take half a tablet to start off with ? always worried Ill have a adverse ananphylactic reaction :blush: .

Has anyone else broken a tablet in half ? need to take it this am :wacko:

30-05-07, 11:28
Hi Mirry,

I went through the same worrying of taking my first tablet, I had originally been given my meds almost 3 weeks ago and only started yesterday. (changed my medication due my dad being on something similar with bad weight gain, then me delaying everything :P)

I was given 20mg tablets (Citalopram) and my first day didn't go so well, so today (2nd day) rang the doctors and they told me to cut the tablet in half and take 10mg today.

Still I would definitly recommend calling yours GP first and find out.

Hope it all works out^^

30-05-07, 11:46
how did u feel on your first day john ?

I phoned the medication helpline and they said I can take half a tablet altho Im supposed to follow my doctors instructions or let him know.

Anyway Ive taken half a tablet and silly I know I suddenly feel anxious 5 mins after taking it ,lol. How soon did you feel something ?

let me know how u get on.

P.s I cant afford to put on weight (already 1.5 stone overweight)

30-05-07, 11:54
feel concerned , took the tablet 40 mins ago and have a rash come up on my arm, its about 2 inches round and looks like nettle rash.

is this the tablet ? will see what happens next.

30-05-07, 12:09
Hi Mirry,

Yea I was pretty anxious after I took my first table (20mg). I just tried to take my mind of it by going outside. For me the first thing I noticed was tightning of my jaw about 1-2 hours after I took the tablet. Bit later I felt light headed by about 5pm it sort of felt like I was coming down off the effect. I was on 20mg though so I think taking that on my first day is why it was bit of a shock to my system. It was more the next morning (had bad nights sleep too :( ) I felt quite bad, but today I've been on 10mg and I felt like I had more control but more panicy (my usual panics nothing extreme).

Not sure about the rash I didn't get that, but I knew someone who would get rashes on their neck when they panic >< Maybe call the hotline again just to check?

Hang in there! Trying to keep your mind occupied on something is the best thing it seems and know it won't be long until you will start feeling better^^

30-05-07, 12:30
Hi Mirry

Sounds like you have a phobia of meds like me, so try not to worry hun, you are only taking a small dose to start so you will be fine. I have been taking Citalopram for 8 years on and off, and like you i was petrified when i fist took it, i was waiting for something bad to happen and got my self into a tizz, but it never did ,your rash is probably anxiety related, try and take your mind off it.
If you need to chat pm me and i can go in the chat room with you hun.
